
10 Reasons Why WordPress and SEO are Best Friends

With over 1 billion active websites on the internet today, the biggest challenge that most online businesses face is getting websites appear in the first page of search results. One of the keys to high search engine positioning is making sure your website is search engine compatible in a lot of aspects. SEO can be very complex but basic things such as keyword-rich urls, descriptive meta tags, website crawlability are easier to achieve with the use of WordPress.


Out of all the many content management systems available, WordPress is definitely the most SEO-friendly. I myself am 100 % devoted to WordPress.


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Allow me to walk you through and highlight some of the main reasons why WordPress and SEO are BFFs.


1. Google likes WordPress

Straight from Google – Matt Cutts said WordPress takes care of 80-90% of the mechanics of SEO. Read Here – Slide 11 to 12


2. The right tags at the right place

WordPress has an easy-to-use system of tagging that allows you to create proper Title, Description, Keyword Tags for individual posts or pages you create. The system also allows you to optimize images as well.


3. Customized Permalinks

In my previous post How To Make Search Engines Love Your Website, I have mentioned that whenever spiders index a webpage, the url is the first piece of information that spiders interpret. WordPress allows you to customize your urls to make them more keyword-rich while still reflecting the content that they come along with.


The permalink structures that I recommend are as follows:




Or one that includes the category




4. Flexible Design and Functionality

Most WordPress themes are SEO ready. There are thousands of themes to choose from and the platform is flexible enough to be re-designed to fit your business identity and branding.


5. SEO Plug ins

Your website needs to be seen not only by human visitors but by the search engine spiders as well.
WordPress comes with a number of powerful plugins to assist your SEO efforts and maximize your website’s performance.


Here are my top 4 WP SEO plug ins:

WordPress SEO by Yoast  http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wordpress-seo/
All-In-One SEO Pack http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/all-in-one-seo-pack/
SEO Friendly Images  http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/seo-image/
Google XML sitemaps  http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/google-sitemap-generator/


6. Loads Quickly

In April 2010, Google launched an algorithm known as Site Speed. Read Here
Simply put, websites that load quickly rank better. CMS like WordPress is database driven and it queries databases very efficiently.


7. Links

WordPress allows you to easily interlink content that helps pass link juice among pages.
The blogroll, trackback and pingback features allow you to easily link to other websites, and it’s easier for others to link to your site as well. This has a positive effect in your search engine rankings.


8. Inbuilt RSS feeds

RSS feeds are important sources of traffic and WordPress has its own inbuilt RSS feeds. Also, when submitted to feed directories, Google and other search engines will be able to find and index your fresh posts faster.
The more your posts get indexed, the better your SERP gets too.


9. Social Media Friendly

Social bookmarking plays an important role is making your content “socially searchable”.
With WordPress, you do not have to do all the hard work on your own. Share buttons are readily available either on your website’s sidebar or at the bottom of every post. The more your content gets shared, the stronger your link juice becomes.


And of course WordPress is


10.  Very easy to start out with

The overall structure of WordPress is easy that an average Joe with little technical web development knowledge can create a post or a page, no sweat.


There you go, folks… a powerful, flexible CMS system that search engines love.


If you want to have your own WordPress-powered website, we are happy to help.
Contact us for your web development and design needs and we will use the best platform to meet your SEO campaign needs.


You may also want to read How To Make Your Website SEO Friendly