
How to Rank Higher on YouTube

YouTube is a landscape full of opportunities for those wanting to establish online visibility. The video-sharing platform sounds like a great place to invest your digital marketing in, but it’s easier said than done. Just like any other platform on the web, YouTube requires you to exert a lot of effort on ranking up higher on their search engine.

Ranking higher on YouTube works just like Google’s search engine. You have to utilise efficient SEO (Search Engine Optimization) methods to ensure your content will ascend higher on YouTube’s platform.


Climbing up the ladder isn’t easy. It takes more than quality content to gain viewers and subscribers. However, it’s definitely possible to improve your ranking. All it takes is learning how to push through YouTube and its traffic by optimising your content. Of course, having a little faith goes a long way. Here are a few tips to rank higher on YouTube.



Starting with basic keyword research

Before you start working on your video content, you have to understand that YouTube is a video search engine, similar to Google. You have to work your way around the web by optimising basic keywords to efficiently rank higher on YouTube. Start by studying basic keywords and how you can utilise them at their fullest potential.


Knowing what the audience wants is the first step to studying basic keyword research. Try typing in any random word on YouTube. You’ll immediately find suggestions based on YouTube’s search engine. These results are popular searches based on what the audience wants, thus, solidifying themselves as effective keywords for Optimization.


Discover which keywords are the most popular among YouTube. Doing so will allow you to optimise the right keywords for your videos.

Remember to utilise the same strategy when it comes to ranking higher on Google. The same principles apply: research, apply, and optimise. This way, you’ll be able to promote your content on Google since YouTube isn’t the only platform you should focus on.


Focus on quality content

While effective SEO methods should promote your videos to reach a wider audience, quality content should hook your viewers in the first place. No matter how optimised your SEO is, if your content is dull or lacking in engagement, your videos won’t reach the desired rank.


Posting content on a regular basis should also improve your ranking. Do this by consistently focusing on quality videos to make sure you gain more viewers. Then schedule regular posting of your videos to make sure your timing is consistent. This should hook more viewers, which in turn will build a bigger fan-base or community dedicated to your channel.


Optimising your videos

There are five fundamentals you should focus on for your content: the title, thumbnail, description, tagging, and links.



The title works like any other headline, it should grab the user’s attention. Come up with a title that immediately grasps the message of your video so you can persuade the user into watching.

Focus on writing a headline that delivers the message right away, and make it catchy so the viewer can click on your video.



Just like the title, the thumbnail or image should attract viewers and persuade them into clicking on your content. In the same manner, the thumbnail should also provide a clear and concise presentation of your video’s content. Make the image look easily understandable and quick to judge at first glance.



The description should expand upon your video’s content by providing sufficient information regarding the video.


Write a description similar to the title’s message; include brief details regarding the video’s information in a quick and precise manner. If the first sentence is catchy and attractive, this will convince the viewer to click on the “Show More” tab and read more about the description. You’ll also be able to insert relevant keywords in your description to maximise the potential of your ranking.



This refers to the same principle of optimising keywords. Tagging allows your video to be visible on YouTube. Use effective phrases and words regarding your video to highlight your visibility on YouTube’s ladder.


Analyse your performance

After you’ve successfully posted your video on YouTube, monitor your performance based on viewer count, effectiveness of keywords, and search engine ranking. Your content won’t instantly be successful upon release, so it’s safe to say that it can take time to climb up the ladder sooner or later.


Want to know more about SEO and other digital marketing strategies? Look towards OOm (Optimal Online Marketing) for expert knowledge digital marketing. As a leading SEO company in Singapore, OOm is capable of providing you with the most efficient digital marketing techniques available. Search engine marketing in Singapore is our playground, and we have endless possibilities to explore.