Our staff feature today is OOm’s Senior Business Manager, Rueben Rajkumar. Driven, motivated and independent, Rueben always strives for the best in his work. He is our star and *self-proclaimed* Dwayne Johnson of OOm!
Describe your role in OOm as a Senior Business Manager.
I’m a Hunter. My main objective is to find business opportunities for my clients and advise them with possible solutions, I function as a bridge between my clients and their customers.
Tell me about one memorable incident / experience you had while working in OOm.
Prior to Covid-19 travel restrictions, OOm organised a company trip to Bangkok in 2019. During the trip, I got to know everyone in the company personally. It taught me that after you’ve worked hard, it’s important to take a break! We drank and had fun like there was no tomorrow.
If you could learn a new skill, what would it be?
Hmm good question. I actually have interests in many areas, I cannot choose one! Cooking, Hip Hop dance, Programming and joining the F1 team are things I would like to do. My dream is to be a jack of all trades and master of everything!
What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?
It was a rainy day on the weekend. I was heading out to get a cup of coffee near my place and as I was walking, the floor was too slippery so my slippers gave way. I slipped and fell. Oh well, never wear old slippers when it is raining 😅
People turned their heads to look at what happened. Embarrassed and flustered, I got up and headed to the coffee shop in a hurry. Overtime, I noticed more and more strangers were staring at me! Sometime later, someone came over to tell me “Bro, your shirt is torn at the back” 😱😱😱😱😱
*Can I hide myself somewhere pls* HAHAHA but it was during my prime time, so my build was really great! *cough cough* Like Dwayne Johnson 🤭
OOm Colleagues: 😶 😐………..
What are your pet peeves?
Time is valuable, which is why I think it is important to respect someone’s time. I will be annoyed if someone cancels at the last minute without a valid reason or is late without informing me ahead of time. It is because I have intentionally dedicated that part of my day for the meet up so they should respect the time I have set aside.
What do you do during your free time?
I spend time with my family and my loved ones. Hiking is one of our favorite activities and we will explore good food after the hike!
If you could bring an animal to an adventure, what type of animal would it be?
A horse, so that it can bring me around and I can rest on it when I am tired.
What’s your favourite food?
Pasta! Carbonara is my favourite! Ironically, I cannot cook, but I can be your professional food taster!