
When it comes to search engine optimisation, you have a variety of options that let you maintain high rankings in the long run. Besides, technical and off-page SEO, you need to implement on-page SEO strategies to achieve higher rankings.


With a combination of technical, off-page, and on-page SEO strategies, improving your search engine rankings is much more manageable than just sticking to one aspect of your SEO capabilities. However, today we are going to discuss the importance of on-page SEO and why it should be your priority for ranking higher on search engines.


Compared to on-page SEO, most off-page SEO tactics like link building and social media marketing are garnering more attention these days. It comes as no surprise since these SEO strategies are highly effective in improving search engine rankings. But when it comes to organic SEO, nothing beats effective on-page SEO strategies.


Let’s see how you can increase your website rankings on search engines with the help of on-page SEO services.



How To Improve Your Rankings With On-page SEO

On-page SEO Improving rankings


1. Improve Your Website Speed

Have you tried visiting a page that is taking too long to load? If so, you might have a poor first impression of the website. After all, no one likes to visit a website that takes ages for the content to appear. However, did you know that slow loading times also affect a site’s ranking?


If your website takes more than five seconds to load, you should upgrade its performance as soon as possible. Website speed has been a ranking factor since 2010! Slow loading times are annoying, not only to users but Google as well. Google will give you a lower ranking if your website speed is not up to par.


Check your website and see if its performance is running at an optimal level. To improve your website speed, you can try the following web design methods listed below:


  • Enable web caching
  • Compress images
  • Minimise HTTP requests
  • Remove unnecessary plugins


2. Use Your Main Keywords In The First 100 Words Of Your Content

Whenever you’re creating content for your website, try to make it a habit to use your main keywords in the first 100 to 150 words. This old fashioned on-page SEO strategy has stood the test of time, and it still provides marketers with positive results up to this day.


For example, let’s say your main keywords are “digital marketing”, “SEO”, and “SEO services”. Here’s how your statement would look like after using these keywords in the first three sentences.


“ Need help in creating an effective digital marketing campaign? Get in touch with our SEO agency today!


Visit our website to know how our SEO services can benefit your business.”


Notice how the main keywords were able to show up in just three sentences. Of course, this is just a brief example. If your content has a bigger word count, try to spread the keywords apart from each other, and make sure they appear in the first 100 to 150 words.


3. Write SEO-friendly Meta Titles And Descriptions

Meta titles and descriptions are essential parts of SEO. These are the very words that will show up on your links on search engine results pages (SERPs), so you need to optimise your meta titles and descriptions for SEO at all costs.


Writing high-quality meta titles and descriptions is a must. Include relevant keywords that can improve your SEO rankings. Meta titles should be clear and concise, so try to use at least one keyword that will fit within the range of 50 to 60 characters (including spaces).


For meta descriptions, the character limit is around 150 to 160 characters. Insert relevant keywords in your meta description, and describe the gist of your content in one or two sentences.


Writing high-quality meta titles and descriptions may not seem helpful at first, but optimising them for SEO is a good strategy in the long run. Just remember to use relevant keywords and write brief but concise content for your meta titles and descriptions.


4. Create Readable Content For Your Target Audience

The purpose of developing a high-quality website is to introduce your brand to potential customers. In doing so, you can attract more customers, boost sales, and set a positive first impression of your business. How is this achievable anyway?


Start by creating readable content for your target audience. There is no need to write essays and descriptions that only experts will understand. When creating content for your target audience, make sure most people can comprehend your writings.


Here are some tips for creating quality content for your target audience:


  • Write informally (unless your line of work requires a more professional brand voice)
  • Insert relevant keywords
  • Provide your readers with valuable information
  • Focus on helping readers, not selling your brand




Implementing on-page SEO strategies may take some time before you generate significant results. If you need help in optimising your website for on-page SEO, consider working with an SEO agency in Singapore that will help you reach your goals.


For more tips and tricks, contact our SEO company in Singapore at 6391-0930.

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