
What Are Consumers’ Expectations With Brand Marketing?

Whether traditional or digital marketing of your company, there is one thing that never changes—consumers’ expectations. One way or another, your target market will always have something to say or expect from your products or services. 


As a brand, the best way for you to resonate well with your potential customers is to tell stories. You should know that no matter how many years have passed, storytelling is still the most effective strategy to impart lessons to anyone. 


ALSO READ: Branding And Storytelling: Why Telling Stories Is Important


Since storytelling carries the most weight, it can help people remember what you told them for a long time. That is why if you want that to happen with your brand, you need to deliver quality and relevant messages to your potential customers. 


But before you can do that, you have to keep yourself updated since customers’ expectations often change. What you may have known yesterday might not work the following weeks, months or years. 


So learn here how customers’ expectations have changed in brand marketing. Doing so would help the way you market your brand.

What Are Customers Expectations When It Comes to Brand Marketing?

1. The Rise Of Visual Storytelling

Do you recall when most people say to see is to believe? This phrase remains true as visual storytelling allows us, especially for brands, to show stories and not tell things word by word.


But what exactly is visual storytelling? Instead of using digital content creation (infographic) alone and attaching it to an article, most brands today create a short video of their digital marketing campaign and post it on their social media. 


They do this kind of digital marketing strategy since most consumers nowadays prefer viewing clips. According to research, when consumers have options to read or watch content, 72% favour the latter to learn about products or services.


Because of that fact, many creative minds are now rethinking how they showcase their brand to their potential consumers. To help you understand, here are some insights from top advertisers in Asian Pacific Countries.



2. Quick Delivery, Free Shipping

As the ecommerce industry continues to rise, more and more consumers expect to see and receive these two services when they order something online: quick delivery and free shipping.


Unlike the inception stage of the ecommerce industry, these two are only part of the deal of online shopping. But now, if you want to stay in line of sight of your potential customers, you should consider offering quick delivery and free shipping at your ecommerce shop.  


Sometimes, some consumers expect ecommerce shops to offer free next-day delivery as a standard of their orders.


LEARN MORE: 3 Successful Ecommerce Businesses: What Can We Learn From Them?


3. Real Stories Can Spark ‘Social’ Movements

Besides quick delivery and free shipping, consumers nowadays also want brands to get real. Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, many people have become more open and aware of global issues. 


They learn how to raise their voice and bring real change to the world. And so, when a brand becomes a part of that and shares real stories, it sparks a social movement. A social movement is an organised effort by a big group of people to pursue a common goal.


Here is an example from Nickelodeon. This digital marketing campaign that they posted on Twitter had reached hundreds of thousands of views.



To further convince you, here is a poll conducted by sproutsocial about how many consumers believe it is vital for brands to make a stand.


Poll from sprout social


4. Influencers Have The Ability To Empower Consumers.

If social media platforms have helped you interact, connect, and communicate with your target audience, the same goes for them. They could also share their thoughts with the people they are friends with or those who follow them. 


And as a brand, you should know how to approach that kind of consumer. Know that if you get things right with your digital marketing, they can make your message go viral.  If you get it wrong, it would be a promotional campaign nightmare.


Whatever happens, many consumers now feel more powerful. They understand that if they question a brand publicly on social media, it would be favourable for them rather than if they complain privately.


5. Expect an Omnichannel Service

Of course, when there is a rise in the use of social media, it is hard not to talk about smartphones. This mobile device gives consumers access to these platforms as well as to ecommerce websites. 


As of December 2021, 80.63% of the global population owns a smartphone. Since that is more than half of the world’s population, you are probably reading this article on your smartphone. 


The same goes for your target audience. There is a high chance they will be using their smartphones when they stumble upon your digital marketing campaign, whether on your social media or ecommerce website. 


That is why as a brand, you should offer omnichannel service to your customers.  As such, they can interact, connect, and communicate with you whatever screen devices they are using. Moreover, they will be more likely to discover your products or services if you engage with them in multiple channels. 


Like many things in life, these consumers’ expectations would also change over time. Sooner or later, they will be new things customers will expect from brands. And as a brand yourself, you should keep yourself updated. Doing so would help you better manage your digital marketing strategies and campaigns.


If you need help creating quality and relevant content marketing pieces, get in touch with an award winning digital marketing agency. Our content specialists can help you capture the attention of your potential customers.