
Digital Newsletter: Is It Still Effective?

Brands that give the consumer a digital newsletter have to make it effective. There are many factors considered.


Determine The Need

As part of email marketing, the digital newsletter is an option to be sent to subscribers. However, it is the industry of the brand that serves as basis. Given the brand budget, internal support, and time for it, assess the need to produce one regularly. With the brand goals as a guide, will leads go up with this marketing tool? It is an option for the brand sales crew to talk to the consumers personally. This newsletter is only effective when the support of consumers is strong.


Kind of Content

Supposing it is proven for the brand to provide this medium, the kind of content is on the agenda. It is certain that a consumer who sees it wants clarity and good presentation. Make it as short as possible to give an update about products or services. At best, focus the written copy and graphics to one topic only. This leads to consumers being more interested to read it. In this manner, when search engine marketing in Singapore is done, the brand appears with great information.


Informative and Increase Sales

It is the desire of the brand that has a digital newsletter to inform the consumers of updates. At the same time, the sales of the featured products are expected to rise. In reality, filling up the consumer’s inbox is timely. When it is done a lot, it becomes deleted. Most of the content has to be informative. For promotional tone, it is only minimal. A consumer’s inbox probably contains plenty of emails from other brands. Thus, getting his attention has to be with impact.


Importance of Subscribe Option on The Website

Providing a ‘subscribe’ option on the website of the brand is essential for the consumer to receive the newsletter. Make the nature of the content and frequency of sending clear. It is advisable to give a glimpse of how it looks like. Certainly, as a brand, minimal percentage of unsubscribe is sought. Otherwise, there is an issue with this tool. Also, lower the spam rates for the brand. Letting the newsletter go to the consumer’s inbox rather than spam is the goal.


Show A Creative Subject Line

Let the efforts of the seo company in Singapore lead to sales when the brand is searched online. Make the digital newsletter subject line sound creative and spark interest! Although the consumer subscribes to this tool, he has to be attracted to the subject line. This lets him open the newsletter and read it. The topic has to be different and original from the brand. Practicing email etiquette is necessary to increase views of the newsletter.


Include A Call-to-Action

For this marketing tool, only one call-to-action is pleasing in the consumer’s viewpoint. Choose an important one and focus on it in the newsletter. Make it clear to the consumer what the brand desires from him. The simpler the call-to-action, the better it is for the consumer to do it.


Reduce Unrelated Information

The strategies of search engine marketing in Singapore go into fruition when the brand becomes visible on page one. However, this is maintained when the digital newsletter contains only the important information. Taking a lot of the consumer’s time for this tool only drives him away. Make the design more presentable by providing more white space. Remember that it only takes a very short duration for the consumer to look at this tool.


When the brand shows concise content, the attention of the consumer is held. Make him desire for more information by clicking ‘learn more.’ The presence of white space allows the link to be seen clearly. For the written content, having a dark colour to contrast with the white space is good. Links have different colours for easy recognition. It is great to look at newsletters of rival brands. See how the brand newsletter compares to them. Basically, the elements have to be the same.


Presence of Alt Text on The Images

Certainly, putting graphics on the digital newsletter is important. These generate interest for the consumer. Seeing a tiny image of the product or service is a good way to increase leads. For the consumer to appreciate each image, however, the alt text option has to be present. As another choice for the text, it shows when the image has not appeared. Being practical in using graphics, this is especially needed for call-to-action. Before the newsletter is sent, the brand has to do a trial for this text.


Option To Unsubscribe

Receiving ‘unsubscribe’ for the brand newsletter causes sadness to the team that produces it. However, it is a reminder that the consumer wants improvement with it. In providing ‘subscribe’ for the consumer, the newsletter also has to give the ‘unsubscribe’ option. Make it visible in this marketing tool. The brand has to see the percentage rate of subscribers and those who left the list.


In practicing these for the newsletter, higher percentage rate for opening it occurs.
