
Jul 14 2020

7 Tips to Optimize Your SEM Campaigns

Starring Veronica Ang

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Hi! My name is Veronica, and today I’ll be sharing with you 7 Tried & Tested Tips to Optimise your Google Ads. So, before I go into it, I’m going to give a quick explanation of what SEM is. So, SEM stands for Search Engine Marketing and the tips that I’ll be sharing today will be based on Google Search Engine since it’s the most widely used search engine. So, if you have been running ads but haven’t been seeing any results with it, then you want to stay tuned for this.


Tip Number 1: Extensions

So, tip number 1 will be to use extensions. Extensions expand your ad with more information. So extensions can come in a form of location extensions, sitelink extensions, callout extensions, and more. To maximise the performance of your ads on Google, Google will decide which extension to show in response to the individual’s search intention so as to increase the relevancy of your ad and in addition, extensions will give you more real estate space on the Google results page which gives you an edge over your competitors.


Tip Number 2: Landing Page

Tip number 2 is to utilise a landing page and this is so, so, important. A landing page is basically a page that people land on after they click on your ad and this web page is not part of the company’s website. So, unlike a company’s website that encourages you to explore and basically has like different goals, a landing page only has one goal, one focus and that is to get people to convert, also known as a call-to-action. Landing pages has lesser distractions so the chances of converting naturally will increase.


Tip Number 3: Split Testing or A/B Testing

Tip number 3 is to use split testing also known as A/B Testing. So, the purpose of this is to find the more effective ad. So what you do is we have Ad A, and then you have an Ad B. So, A is the control ad, B is the ad that you change something for. So, it could be text, it could be image, it could be landing page, and after you change it, you compare the results of both of these ads, and you decide which one is the better performing one. So, by doing this you optimise your budget, and basically get better at performance. Your performance can be determined by your click-through-rate, and also how users interact with your landing page after they land on it. Your performance can be measured by number 1 your landing page, how people interact with the page after they land on it, and also on your click-through-rate.


Tip Number 4: Ad Scheduling

Tip number 4 is to use ad scheduling. So, by default your Google ads run throughout the day but you can also schedule them to only appear when there are times or days of higher search volume or higher website traffic to maximise your ad budget. For example, you can schedule for your ads to not show up between 1:00 – 5:00 a.m. where most people are asleep.


Tip Number 5: Automated Bidding Strategy

Tip number 5 is to use automated bidding strategies. So, a bid is the amount your willing to pay for one click on your ad. And with automated bidding strategies, machine learning kicks in, and you can choose to optimise your ad for clicks, so that’s maximised clicks. You can choose to optimise it for better visibility on the search result page,[or] you can choose to optimise for conversions, and also for conversion value, so just some of them. And unlike for manual bidding, where you have to go in to adjust like the bids for each keyword or each ad group, automated bidding does it for you. So, you can save that time and spend it on your business.


Tip number 6: Keywords

So, tip number 6 is to optimise your keywords. Keywords are words or phrases that you can use to match your ads to what people are searching for. So, when you use high quality and relevant keywords, you can reach your target audience much better. You can also control how broad or specific you want your keywords to be by adding modifiers as shown on this image. Negative keywords can help you to reduce costs by making sure that your ads are only being shown to people who you really want to target.


Tip number 7: Conversion tracking

Okay and tip number 7, our last tip for today is, probably the most important tip of all, setup your conversion tracking. So, you can setup your conversion tracking on Google Ads platform and this conversion action is based on your business goal. So, it could be enquiries, could be subscriptions, could be purchases, really up to you, and once you set this up, data has been collected for you to understand and analyse your target audience’s behaviour, and also for you to analyse whether or not this campaign is working out for you. For example, you get to see whether $40 per conversion which is an enquiry, is worth it for you or not. And, that is all we have for today, 7 Tips for Google Ads.


Hope this helps you! Thank you so much for watching. Goodbye!

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