SEM Company Singapore | Your Preferred SEM Agency | OOm

Search Engine Marketing

Our search engine marketing or SEM solutions are designed to drive success for your business. We aim to improve your conversions and reduce the cost per conversion. With lower cost per conversion, it translates to more savings for your business.


As an SEM agency in Singapore, your business matters to us. We do more than merely buying keywords and placing your ads on search engines. Our SEM strategies go beyond the typical campaign metrics such as impression and clicks. We focus on what matters most—conversions. Get in touch with our team of experts and start your SEM campaign with us today.

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Working with a Premier Google Partner

OOm is a Premier Google Partner, the top 3% of Google Partners in Singapore. When you choose to work with a Premier Google Partner, you are working with one of the best SEM agencies in town. You will be partnering with a team of highly skilled and certified professionals, who have achieved a higher level of screening and training by Google. As a Premier Google Partner, we provide full transparency and accountability on your Google Ads Spend too.

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100% Transparency and Ownership of your Google Ad Account

OOm takes pride in our 100% transparency policy that we have been practicing since day one of our business. Clients love to work with us because we are 100% transparent with their Google Ads spend. One indication is that we provide access to their Google Ads dashboard while running their campaigns. 


When we create a new Google Ads account for you or if you approach us with an existing Google Ads account, you are the rightful owner of the account. Even if you decide to leave, you take all the data in the account and our work with you.

How We Manage your SEM Campaigns

We adopt the best SEM practices together with our machine learning technology to achieve optimal returns for your campaigns. This is merely a highlight of what we do when we manage your SEM campaigns.

Machine Learning Optimization

Our SEM campaign specialists will tap on machine learning technology to optimize your campaigns. It allows us to better leverage on big data and user behaviour/intent to drive better performance.

Transparent Reporting

Trust between you and our team is our utmost priority. With our transparent reporting, we update you on how your SEM campaigns are faring and suggest actionable steps to further improve the performance.

Lower your Cost-Per-Acquisition

More than driving leads, we also aim to reduce your overall cost to acquire a lead, to make sure that  you are making the best Return On Investment (ROI) from your marketing investment.

Conversion Tracking

Tracking your conversions will give you a good idea of how your SEM campaigns are performing. With clear conversion tracking, OOm is accountable for the results from the SEM campaigns and you can measure our performance easily.

Ads Split Testing

We conduct ads split testing to find out which ads work better. With better performing ads, you save cost and get better response.

Keywords and Bids Strategy Management

In SEM, using the right keywords is crucial for your campaign. Our team of SEM specialists will research and select the most effective keywords for your campaigns. After which, together with machine learning technology, we will optimise your bids to get the best returns for your SEM campaigns.

Call Tracking, Recordings and Dashboard Access

With our call tracking technology, we can properly attribute phone calls to the campaigns that we are running for you. You will know which keywords or campaigns are driving the calls to your office. This allows us to better streamline the campaigns based on calls conversions tracking and deliver the best returns for your business.

data of call status report
remarketing ads

Remarketing Ads

Remarketing ads allow you to show targeted ads to users who have already visited your website. You can set up specific goals, for example users who visited your website but did not fill up a form, and show them remarketing ads created specifically to prompt them to return and complete the form.


Together with Search Ads and machine learning technology, remarketing ads can help you increase conversions and maximize your ads spend.

SEM Campaigns

We provide end-to-end consultation and service from strategisation to execution for your Facebook marketing campaigns. Your success is our priority so we provide recommendations that best suit your needs.

Our Clientele

We care greatly about our clientele. Our clients are an expanded mix of SMEs and enterprises. Check out some of the companies we’ve helped recently through our diverse portfolio.

See What Our Clients Have Been Saying

Frequently Asked Questions about SEM Service

Here are some frequently asked questions regarding SEM service. We have provided our answers for these FAQs from our years of experience in SEM:

SEM stands for Search Engine Marketing. SEM is a form of digital marketing to promote a website and increase its traffic and visibility on the search engines.

Research shows that 93% of online experiences start with a search engine. With that said, in today’s competitive industry, it is crucial to be where your potential audiences are searching and that is on the search engine results pages (SERPs).


SEM allows you to quickly reach out to your potential customers and if you are not using SEM to market your website, you are sending your customers to your competitors who are doing SEM currently.

One of the primary differences between SEO and SEM is the nature of the strategy. SEO is more of a long term strategy where it might take months before you see any significant ROIs. In the long run, SEO will be more cost-effective as you do not need to pay for every click you get from the organic search results. If you are looking for a more immediate strategy to drive leads and sales, then SEM will be more suitable.

The first step is to select the keywords that you would like to target for your business. Then, register for a Google Ads accounts and set up your Google Ads campaign. Break your keywords into groups and set a monthly budget for your campaign. Create your landing page and ad copies and once the campaign is lived, monitor the performance and optimize your campaign towards your goals.

We will measure and track SEM results using Google Analytics. By setting up Goal Conversions in Google Analytics, you are able to see how many conversions you get from SEM. You can also use our Call Tracking technology to track the calls you receive from your SEM campaigns.

Each SEM company in Singapore is unique in terms of the range and quality of SEM services they offer. But, there are a few key criteria that can help you evaluate which ones are the most qualified among a pool of SEM vendors: years of industry experience, size and number of clients, client and employee turnover rate, testimonials, success stories, case studies, and others. OOm is a premier google partner. When you work with us, you are partnering with a team of highly experienced and skilled SEM professionals.

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