
2018 SEO Prediction: The World of Mobile

The mobile ecosystem dramatically changed and improved in 2017. But as the usage of mobile devices and the Internet is becoming more progressive, it is expected that there will be more updates to come this year. With Google’s mobile-first index set to completely launch this year, it only means you have to get your websites ready for an SEO transformation.



Some people may have perceive that mobile devices is just an extension platform for desktop – but these people are getting it wrong. Through time, mobile has become its own platform that has established its own statistics in terms of usability and experience.


Mobile SEO sets its own definition of development. Innovative designs and content visualization have become vital aspects to get positive user experience and continuing impact to mobile users. But in this fast-changing world of technology, getting the steady lead can be tricky. To continue dominating the mobile market, here are some predictions for Mobile Search Engine Optimization in 2018 that can be your inspiration in upgrading your mobile brand image.


Prediction #1 – Cross-Device Convergence

If it’s the early 2000s, this prediction will only mean being able to access the website on the computer and on your mobile device, or at least it should work on all types of devices. That’s it! But, no. Since technology has extremely evolved, the line between apps and websites on mobile devices becomes blurrier each day.


Mobile devices have created its own sub-platforms that affects the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). More people are now using the cloud to store and search for information. Thus, most people seamlessly move from one device to another. And during this device swapping, it is in their understanding that they can utilize it for searching just like any other device. So instead of developing multiple device-specific apps for multiple devices, you should focus on data integrations of one app across multiple devices.


It’s as straightforward as this: Your app or website should be accessible and should work flawlessly on all apps and on all platforms. It’s not just being omnipresent, it should also be omni-functional.


Prediction #2 – Shift from Native to Progressive Web Apps

Developers have started to shift from native apps to Progressive Web Apps (PWA). PWAs are apps within the browser displayed as a website that you don’t need to download or install. Started in 2015, the PWAs concept is to have a better way to browse on a mobile device without using a native app. It’s a combined experience of the best of the web and the best of the app.


This shift may have brought a lot of changes in terms of algorithm and development, but it also gives quite a few benefits in terms of user experience – such instant loading of the site, smooth animation and navigation, ability to add a shortcut on the home screen, secured browsing with HTTP, enabling push notifications, and a more responsive functions. Consequently, these benefits will result to a positive user experience which benefits you in the ranking.


But the most notable advantage of this approach is that developers do not need to create multiple apps across multiple mobile platforms. It will be easier to do updates on the app if necessary and it’s easier to maintain as it doesn’t require specific methods.


Prediction #3 – Relying on Structured Data Markup

To understand the content of a page and enable search result features and enhancements, Google wants webmasters to markup their sites with structured data. It’s a standardized format for providing information about a page and classifying the page content. It includes social profiles, corporate contact information, books, events, and more.


Among the most common structured data language are schema.org, JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data (JSON-LD), microdata, and the Resource Description Framework in Attributes (RDFa). These companies have data testing tools that provide specific instructions for a variety of markup types. It is ideal for interactions with Chromecast, Google Assistant, restaurants, reservations, travels, TV, movies, and more. Having a structured data will help Google determine the activities on a website without heavily relying on crawling and analyzing content.


Properly marked up contents are more easily understood by devices that rely on voice search such as Google Assistant, Alexa, Siri, and FitBit. Marking up with a structured data is like speaking many languages – you can communicate with anyone and everyone.


Prediction #4 – Mobile-First Indexing

One of the most fundamental architectural updates in SEO is the mobile-first indexing. This means that the mobile version of your site will be considered the primary version. It becomes the starting point for what Google includes in their index and the baseline on how they determine rankings. The new mobile-index will mix websites with apps, PWAs and other data sets that don’t have URLs.


To be included on the top of SERPs with mobile-first indexing, it’s essential that the web pages are fast enough to load on mobile devices. It has to be responsive since Google has started to consider the speed as an important ranking factor. This approach will further improve in the coming months.


And since Google may eventually primarily use the mobile version of a site’s content to rank pages from that site, it’s about time to consider paying more attention to it so you won’t go extinct.


Prediction #5 – “Ok, Google.”

Voice search is expected to get louder this year. Most people nowadays take advantage of this convenient way of searching for anything and everything – from simple directions to restaurants and travelling up to research studies and work-related matters. Google is working on a voice search algorithm that is focused on improving the ability to provide more relevant and accurate results.



Through structured data, conversational search is going to be more effective. Utilizing a more comprehensive and specific approach in creating page contents, such as precise topics and straightforward writing, are few of the best ways to stand out in the voice search revolution.


Artificial intelligence may be on its way. Make sure your site is ready to be heard.


Entering the Mobile Era

With all the new things that are expected to come in the search industry, it may be challenging to adapt with the sudden changes. It’s evident that user experience is becoming a valuable part of the mobile SEO strategy. Hence, it only boils down to these aspects: being available and being interactive.


The most notable aspect that will give your brand an advantage this year is versatility. Begin with marking up your data to make it easier for your website to be understood by desktop, mobile, and voice search devices. In this way, you will have visibility on various search engines. Afterwards, you can proceed with giving the users something to spend time on in your site. It’s essential to integrate engaging contents such as videos and infographics as an influential factor to stay relevant.


It’s no doubt that mobile has been dominating the tech world in the past years. But with these current trends and forecasts, it is evident that we are, inevitably, entering the world of mobile.  It’s time to make your brand’s online presence more visible. Buckle up and stay on top!
