
How To Set Up A Chatbot For Your Website In Singapore?

Your website is like a retail store; anyone can waltz in with a hope of finding what they need from your business. However, the difference between websites and retail stores is that anyone can visit the former anytime, anywhere—unlike the latter, which is open for only 8 to 12 hours a day.


Since your website is almost similar to retail stores, perhaps you’ll need a salesperson as well? Try using a chatbot for your website, one of the best tools every website should need right now.


In an era where machines are slowly taking over, you can bet that chatbots are in the centre of it all. Chatbots are software applications that you could use to communicate with users without relaying the message yourself.


Thanks to artificial intelligence (AI), chatbots have a mind of their own—almost. You still need to modify your chatbot to respond to users, but other than that, it will work like a charm. With that said, many active online users could be wandering around your website at any time. Fortunately, that’s all the more reason why you should set up a chatbot on your website.


Also, did you know that chatbots can help improve your search engine optimisation (SEO) ranking? Using a chatbot will help boost your customer engagement and increase their time spent on your website. Still, you need to learn how to manage a chatbot if you want to improve your SEO. Luckily for you, that’s why we’re here to help you out.


Make the most out of your website’s potential by incorporating as many optimal features as possible, including a chatbot! Here’s how you can set up a chatbot for your website.



Which Type Of Chatbot Should You Need?


1. Menu/Rule-based Chatbot

The most basic type of chatbot is the menu or rule-based chatbot. This type of chatbot can respond to users by offering various choices. Menu-based chatbots are similar to automated phone calls in which the caller will choose among several options before concluding.


While menu-based chatbots are easy to manage, they often fail to give the user their desired answer. Most of the time, this type of chatbot isn’t capable of responding to complex search queries. Instead, you should use a menu-based chatbot as your first line of defence whenever a user wishes to communicate with your brand. That way, if your chatbot fails to deliver the right answer to your customer, they can communicate with you instead.


2. Complex Chatbots

Complex chatbots are the most intelligent and advanced types of chatbots available. This type of chatbot utilises AI and machine learning (ML), allowing itself to learn from previous conversations with users and improve over time.


For instance, let’s say you’ll order food from a complex chatbot; upon doing so, the chatbot will take note of the current conversation and store your inputs for future reference. The more you discuss with the chatbot, the more knowledge it gathers. As a result, it will remember you and your previous order, providing a more efficient and unique customer experience.


3. Keyword Recognition-based Chatbots

Unlike menu-based chatbots, this type of chatbots can respond to the user’s queries by utilising keywords to come up with an accurate response. 


For instance, you’re conversing with a chatbot, and you type “Where is your store located?” The response will depend on the keywords “store” and “located” so it can give you the most accurate answer. It’s not perfect by any means, but keyword recognition-based chatbots are more accurate than their menu-based counterparts.



How To Set Up A Chatbot?


1. Choose The Right Chatbot For Your Website

When choosing the right chatbot for your website, you’ll have to consider your budget, resources, and spare time. Also, think of your customers as well and decide which one will benefit them the most. In the end, you should pick a choice that best suits your customers’ preferences. 


For example, online restaurants can use keyword recognition-based chatbots since they’re straightforward and manageable, while law firms should utilise complex chatbots for real-time consultations or conversations.


2. DIY Or Hire A Developer?

Can you build a chatbot by yourself? If yes, then maybe you should, but take note that coding a chatbot is time-consuming and requires prior knowledge. On the other hand, you could hire a developer that could create a chatbot for a reasonable price.


The good news is that there are many DIY platforms that will let you create a chatbot. Effective platforms such as Botsify and Chatfuel are great for incorporating chatbots in Facebook messenger, so consider that as well.


3. Install A Plugin

Consumer-centric platforms like Chatfuel can provide you with a plugin that will help you integrate a chatbot in your website. For example, Chatfuel’s Customer Chat plugin is an easy-to-use tool that you can use for your website that’s similar to Facebook Messenger. The experience is almost the same as using Facebook, which should benefit both you and your customers.



Need Help With Your Digital Marketing Campaign?

Chatbots may help improve your SEO, but sometimes it’s not enough. Instead, you could get in touch with our SEO company in Singapore to know how you can boost your digital marketing campaign. Call OOm at +65 6391 0930 for more information.