Since the arrival of Progressive Web Apps, the web world has been revolutionized. It has undeniably changed the way we use the web. Users have become more adaptive in using their mobile for anything and everything they need online.
Dominating the rankings is, indeed, important for your business. But to set yourself apart from other companies and to fully capture the loyalty of the users, traditional search engine optimization is no longer enough. It has become essential that you can give the best user experience possible – in terms of content and design. This calls for innovation and new techniques on web designing, app usability, navigation, and user interaction.
To stay in the game and to continuously attract the users’ attention, every company has to keep up with the latest trends on web design. Here are some of the trends on app and web design that will impact this year, according to some design experts:
Playful fonts
As the old saying goes, “it’s not what you said, it’s how you say it.” Emphasizing your web content through playful fonts is known to be effective and impactful. This year, it is expected that more companies are going to expand their use of typefaces and use it as an advantage in their web design.
Variable fonts can add character on the overall look of a website, not to mention that it highlight a specific content that you want to focus on. Using different sizes and adjusting the text colors with the background, fonts will set its own trend in the world of web design. It’s a new age for typography.
Animation at its finest
Animation is expected to dominate websites and apps. More than just being used as effects in interfaces or web page transitions, animation will be more integrated in the designs as part of the website. There will be more fluid transformations of content through, and it can be used to highlight the important elements of your website.
Quality photos are in
Images are going to play a big part in web design this year. It will become an integral part of the website’s aesthetic. Thus, relying too much on stock photos may not be as effective as it used to be. As much as possible, create or use quality and original photos.
With the help of software programs such as Adobe Photoshop, you can also enhance these photos by including graphic designs and illustrations. It’s a great opportunity to showcase mixed digital media arts. Take time to invest on photographers and illustrators to improve the quality of your website.
Graphics and Illustrations
More than just quality photography, it is also expected that web designers are going to put extra effort in creating a personalized illustration for the brand. Original illustrations can be used as a branding element and can be a unique marketing approach.
Which means that illustrations and graphics will also be a primary element in web design this year. It can serve as a way for companies to connect with their users in explaining a story or building a visual landscape for their brand. A well-crafted illustration can speak for itself and it can grab the attention of the users.
Bright-colors and Gradients
With Pantone’s choice for color of the year, Ultra Violet, it is expected that one of the biggest trends on web design in the use of bright colors. Although you don’t necessarily need to include this color on your web layout, Ultra Violet is an inspiration to go for a more trendy bright color choice on your design.
You can also combine it to other colors to make it fancier and more elegant. This brings gradients back in the game. Vibrant colored gradients and morphus curved shapes are expected to be incorporated in most designs, or even more evident than it is being used, now.
Since influential big brands, such as Spotify and Apple, have been pushing these trends forward, we are expecting to see less solid colors on the web designs this year and more flashy color transitions.
Grids. Grids. Grids.
It has become a trend for quite some time. There have been a lot of websites that’s already maximizing the use of grids in their web design. But with the adoption of CSS Grid, it is expected that more web designers are going to have new and interesting ways in organizing the contents of a website. Using CSS Grid, you can rearrange the web content in more dynamic ways than Flexbox and the traditional floating grid systems.
Components and Composition
Say goodbye to templated page designs and say hello to more diverse web components and composition. With the popularity of React and other component systems, most developers have created app-oriented web development as the new standard. This trend will continue to emerge this year. It is also expected that there will be a larger number of native applications in the future with the use of tools such as React Native. And although we have seen the rise of micro-designing in the last couple of years, component building will still gain its popularity as more designers will continue to use it as a medium of expression.
Conversation-Oriented Experiences
With the rise of mobile internet, more and more people are becoming more hooked on instant messaging apps and conversation-oriented experiences. Started as a means to reach out to their friends and family, these messaging apps became an avenue for users to connect to companies and brands. This changed the way companies handle customer service relationships. Also as a result of this hype, various non-messaging apps, such as Instagram, have to turn their heads and integrate instant messaging on their platform. Otherwise, they can be left behind.
People love interaction. They want apps and website that will give them the experience of human interaction. Thus, expect to see more of these messaging apps/website this year. Or, if your company has not adapted this on your channels, it’s best to start thinking about it now.
Setting your own trend: Experience over design
This year, it is expected that user experience and ease of navigation will become essential components of web design. It’s in the shoulders of all web designers to make sure that your company’s website will be both pleasing to the eye and entertaining to use. You can use these trend predictions in creating your own online image and dominate the online market.
Consult a local SEO company that can help you conceptualize ideas for your web design and build it to boost your users’ experience. Proper web design planning plays a big role in the retention and conversion of your users. Start now. Set your own trend.