
Experts Reveal Top Trends That SEM Agency Employees Can Use For Highly Effective Campaigns


The trends in Search Engine Marketing (SEM) improve every year. The majority of SEM vendor nowadays especially from the different SEM agency in Singapore tend to follow the current practices to be able to come up with successful marketing campaign online.


Nowadays, SEM practitioners no longer use the old methods like incorporating right-hand side ads to boost their online reputation. SEM companies in Singapore are now using the latest practices to help them compete with their competitors worldwide.


To help the new SEM practitioners, several seasoned SEM specialists shared their secrets about creating a highly-effective campaign to strengthen the online reputation of their clients.


According to Social Panga co-founder Himanshu Arora, it would be a good move to incorporate mobile specific campaigns to SEM. This could be true since a lot of people today use their mobile devices in browsing different websites. However, Arora claimed that mobile specific campaigns are still at a very early stage at this point, that is why the SEM industry still need to come up with more rampant mature targeting from major search engines such as Google.


Arora also claimed that SEM practitioners should also consider doing more comprehensive video planning. “The way we have keywords & Display planner for search & GDN specific platforms would be great to have something similar for videos too as video planner. We do have some bit in Display planner but a comprehensive one will be really helpful,” he added.


Arora’s partner Gaurav Arora also agreed about his idea for video contents. According to the other Social Panga co-founder, the use of video contents already proved to be a very effective medium in boosting online reputation better than text-based ads. “With 80% of content being consumed in video form, we can expect Video ads to finally start changing the SEM scenario as well. Breakthrough video content will be the key in 2017!” he stated.


He also claimed that the traditional way of using keywords in SEM ads may not be as effective as it was in the past. This changed because of the breakthrough of virtual assistant apps like Apple’s Siri, Microsoft’s Cortana, the Google Assistant, and the like. This means that SEM specialists should prepare themselves for seeing major changes in the way the industry works.


On the other hand, Digital Vidya’s lead program trainer Punam Madam believes that online platforms like Google AdWords will be prevalent in the coming days. “In my opinion, Bing ads should be the part of our SEM advertisement planning in 2017. I know in some part of the world Bing is no longer an optional platform, but for countries like India, it’s still an optional platform. Hoping that trend will change in 2017 and Bing will further consolidate its position and gain market share,” he added.


The company’s other lead program trainer Ruchi Sinha also said that SEM practitioners should also consider placing more ads on various Google products, as well as use various methods like the preview tool for Display to save more time when launching a SEM campaign.


With all these tips, new SEM practitioners will be able to come up with better online reputation campaign for their clients.