Artificial Intelligence. The first two things that come to mind when I hear about AI are robots and the genius engineering of computer systems to make them think and function like humans, or even much more. Then again, humans are prone to make mistakes, and that may have led to the creation of Artificial Intelligence—to do tasks completely free of error, without wearing out. It relies on perfectly programmed software that results in a brain of its own, ready to digest and interpret information without the help of a human while at it. It could be both scary and exciting, but as long as we all know how to make proper use of this phenomenal innovation, it should be fine to allow it to enter our lives and help us immensely in easing our daily tasks.
Google, being the giant that it is, has finally ventured into creation of their version of AI, with only one goal in mind as always, to deliver the most relevant search engine results to all its users. RankBrain was engineered to help the search engine better understand the queries typed into the search field, from the old to the new and unfamiliar. RankBrain was not designed to change the search engine results, but to predict the content of the sites accurately.
How can RankBrain affect search engine results?
First off, RankBrain is not a new algorithm, but only a part of an entire algorithm. RankBrain is tasked to interpret what someone is searching for, and understand that query in a variety of ways. For instance, back in the day, when a user searches for a query like “Orchard Road,” the search engine would only show results that include those specific words. Whereas with the help of the AI, it will show more substantial and relevant results such as “Shopping Places in Singapore,” “Places to visit in Singapore,” or “History of Singapore,” because all of these are related to the words being searched.
Beyond that, RankBrain is also programmed to help the search engine with new search queries. Day by day, new things are invented, ideas are conceived, and products are developed. All these are being talked about, unavoidably leading to an endless curiosity and people rely on nothing but Google to give them the answers fast. Google created RankBrain to have a sustainable form of technology to help the computers understand search queries that have never been encountered before, ensuring a proper connection between what is already known and terms that are ‘never-before-seen’ as well. If Google encounters a new word or phrase, RankBrain acts to make a guess on what words or phrases are related to the query, and shows filtered, relevant results accordingly.
Which sites will be affected by RankBrain?
With the two mentioned effects of RankBrain towards search engine results, there will also be two probable sides of the story on whose rankings will be affected. If your brand is utilising new keyword phrases for your new product or service, then expect to have a change in your search engine ranking. These keywords are new to Google, so RankBrain will do its job and show results according to what it thinks is related to the new keywords. On the other hand, if you brand name has commonly used words in it, it is very likely that you will experience a shift in ranking as well.
A wonderful breakthrough in finding the best answers available online, RankBrain can significantly change the future of how we search. RankBrain is only one of the many parts that belong to the Hummingbird algorithm, so as long as you continuously follow through all your current successful SEO practices, then your site should be fine. However, with limited information as to how RankBrain can affect the side of SEO, we must be on the lookout for the updates that Google might roll out soon, which could create a more remarkable impact on search results.