
How To Market Funeral Services In Singapore?

Death is a sensitive topic for most people. No one wants to talk about it, unless the incident has happened. Families would rather turn a blind eye about the fact that death might fall upon one of their loved ones sooner or later, and choose to live a carefree and happy life. Because of this, it is difficult for funeral homes to advertise and market their services to a large audience. 


Funeral homes would have to resort to traditional methods to have their business recognised. This includes investing in print ads in major newspapers, as well as, television and radio ads that run at ungodly hours. Who would even listen to radio stations and watch television late at night for funeral ads? Maybe, those people who work during the night shift? But that is just a small portion of Singapore’s population. In this case, funeral directors won’t be able to effectively reach out to their target consumers. Fortunately, in today’s digital age, it is now much easier to market a funeral service.



If you are planning to enter this kind of business and establish a funeral home, then you are in luck. It would not be so much of a problem to market it. You just have to familiarise yourself with the basic digital marketing practices. In this way, you would be able to tap on the potential of the Internet to reach out beyond your target consumers. Here are some helpful tips that can make your funeral service stand out on the Internet: 



Website Creation

Your website will serve as a tool that will represent your business digitally so you must make its contents as attractive as possible to entice users to visit them and encourage them to explore it longer. The first step in website creation is to create a professional-looking logo. This will help you differentiate your business from the rest of the funeral services in Singapore. Second, you must provide useful information about the services you are going to offer. It would also be helpful to include an online payment for these services to make it easier for your customers to avail it. Third, do not forget to include your contact information. Doing so will help improve the customer service experience. Lastly, make your website mobile-friendly. A lot of consumers nowadays are using smartphones to search for a product and service. Thus, mobile-friendly websites have a great advantage over traditional, desktop sites.



Emotional Benefits

You should not only focus on advertising your funeral services, but you should also promote the emotional benefits that your customers can get from you. A loved one’s death can be a delicate time for a family so they would need to receive help from someone compassionate and empathetic. You must show them that your funeral home is an institution who can understand the difficult times they are going through. It would be best if you are knowledgeable of the different religions practised in Singapore so that you will be able to provide the right funeral wake preparations. Doing so will show that you care about giving their deceased loved ones a proper send-off. 




Most of the users online care about the cost of a funeral service. They would check if the prices are in line with their budget. Yes, it is great if there is something unique in your services. Like for example, you can make it more personalised form them in order to make the funeral wake more intimate or you can offer insurance funeral plans. Just make sure it is affordable for most of your target audience. Another tip of making your services appealing is to utilise the “affordable funeral services” keyword. Include it in your site’s content because this keyword has a high ranking in SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). 




Advertising Campaigns

Aside from SEO or organic search, you must practice Search Engine Marketing (SEM) by investing in PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Ads through Google AdWords. This will help you find potential customers. In order to make this effective, it would be best to use localised keywords for these advertisement campaigns. Targeting nearby consumers and users is a good strategy because they are most likely to avail a funeral service that is convenient and accessible. 




Blog Posts

Enumerating your services on your website is not enough to make them interested in patronising your services. You must break down the information on each service and explain in detail the process of getting it. Most of the families who have no experience in holding a funeral wake before are lost on what are the processes or steps that should be made to hold a proper one. So, it would be helpful if you could provide them with blog posts that are some sort of a guide making things easier for them. 


Thanks to the capability of the Internet to connect billions of people all across the world, it is possible for “tough-to-sell” businesses like funeral services to expand their reach. No longer would you have to rely only on old marketing practices. In this digital age, you can now connect to the younger generation and make them become your customers.

Know more about digital ads and SEO marketing in Singapore with OOm! With our white hat SEO technique, we will make sure that your business will achieve a substantial online presence.