
How to Refresh Old Content?

Online writing is a step-by-step process that can take a lot of time before you’ve finally reached the peak of your success. You work your way up until you’ve finally established your well-deserved online presence after each subsequent trial.


However, the first few steps in blogging also involve a lot of obstacles. In such cases, you’re probably a stranger in unknown territory, just trying to survive the competition of search engine ranking. You do what you must to survive.


One basic method to survive the digital landscape of search engine ranking is to refresh old content. This means you’ll be going back to your early days and scavenge one or two articles in hope of returning to the spotlight once more.


It sounds easy, doesn’t it? Well, it takes more than simply “republishing” old articles to spark an old flame. If you truly want to refresh old content, you have to ignite a fire. Here are some ways to rekindle the old flame and keep your old content up and running.



Keep it relevant

It isn’t a guaranteed success to just pick up an old file from the archives and put them back on the radar. Find old blogs with relevant topics to make sure they stay popular once you’ve republished them on the surface. Research and discover what’s trending as of now, and scavenge your archives to see which blog is relevant.


Update and improve

Not all articles stay the same. Some blogs require necessary changes, especially if it’s more than a year old. Even if your old content is only a few months old, you have to ensure the timeliness of the article is updated. This will eliminate any possible changes and will keep your old blog accurate and precise.


Improving your old blogs could include adding in new images, sliding in updated facts, and you can even try to re-write a portion of the content. Your plan is up for you to decide, as long as your adding something new to the old content.


Produce spin-offs

Notice how some famous films have spin-offs once they’re successful? Some studios produce spin-offs based on the success of their films. In this case, you should do the same for your old content. Choose a relevant article from your archives and try to promote its content by producing a spin-off based on the old article.


It’s a win-win situation because: First, you’ll be expanding new content which is beneficial for success; and second, your old content will resurface once more (which is also a potential for success).


Avoid repetition

There’s nothing wrong with reviving old content. It’s a good way to reuse materials, but once it’s overdone, it can be annoying for the viewer.


Constantly republishing old content can be noticeable if it’s done more than once. The trick is to avoid repetitive posting by keeping track of how many times the article will and should be posted.


Use different platforms

Since repetition isn’t exactly a good strategy, there’s one way you can use to constantly republish your article. With hundreds of other blogging platforms on the web, it would be a waste to not use a multitude of them.


Resurface your old articles by publishing them in different blogging platforms. This way, you’ll reach a wider audience, and you’ll lessen the risk of annoying your viewers on your main platform.



Demonstrate your best work

If you’ve been publishing online content for quite some time, maybe it’s a good strategy to collect your best pieces and combine them in one gigantic collection of masterpieces.


Like every artist, musician, or actor, you’re bound to have a few best works of your own. Gather some of your best work and plan their posting schedule on multiple platforms to maximise effective promotion.


Also, try to consider which are your “best” works. Put into consideration the number of views and overall relevance to your viewers. You can also decide which of your works are masterpieces based on personal preference, but it would still be effective to gather statistics and data to determine how viable your masterpieces would be to your viewers.



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