
Look Who’s Talking: James


The staff feature for the month of March is James Kong, OOm’s Business Manager. Do not be fooled by first impressions! He may seem quiet at the start, but the more you get to know James, the more his outgoing personality and adventurous nature shines. With great interpersonal skills and a warm, personable character, he is able to communicate well with clients, finding out exactly what they need and proposing tailored solutions that cater to their requirements. Learn more about James in the article below.     


Describe your role in OOm as a Business Manager.

My responsibilities include serving OOm’s customers with integrity. This is achieved by proposing the right services that are carefully customised and tailored to their business goals.


James Kong OOm Business Manager


Tell me about one memorable incident / experience you had while working in OOm.

My team lead and I headed to my first client meeting not knowing what to expect. At the end of it, we came back to the office with cash. The client signed the contract and made full payment on the spot. It was definitely one of the most memorable experiences I have had working in OOm.  


What do you do during your free time?

During the weekends I try to cycle as much as possible, clocking a 70km ride if I can. On weekdays, I make an effort to workout twice a week or go golfing once a month. Apart from the whole keeping active regime I relax by watching football (Manchester United supporter here) or enjoy the fine life with some wine and cheese. My schedule is pretty much fixed in that way. 


James Kong playing golf


What is the craziest thing you have ever done?

Craziest thing? As an adventurous spirit, I guess there are a few. One of them was eating a live Sago Grub, which is the larva of a beetle. It is a popular traditional food in Sabah. More recently, I woke up at 3am just to cycle around the island. The fresh morning air can do wonders for the mind and body! #YOLO



How often do you workout?

Typically, I work out 3 to 4 times a week. But, like everybody else, I do have my lazy moments. During those times, I try to exercise at least twice a week.


Can you give some advice to incorporate a healthy routine that we can follow while working full-time?

Everybody is different and what may work for some may not work for others. Personally, I think it is all about having the right mindset and goal setting. A workout need not last 2 hours; in fact, a 45 minute workout is considered good enough. As the saying goes, a bad workout is better than no workout. The first step is getting started – fix a time, settle into the routine and do not give yourself any excuses. 


If you could bring an animal to an adventure, what type of animal would it be?

An eagle! Eagles are my favourite animal. Fearless and aggressive they can soar through the air, watching the grounds below with their immaculate eyesight. Those are great qualities when it comes to adventuring, right? 


What is your favourite food?

I would not consider myself a picky eater. Most foods are delicious to me whether it is steak, char siu, cheese or wine. I am more of a savoury, meat lover kind of guy so as long as the dish is not sweet, I am good to go. However, above everything else, my ultimate favourite food has to be my wife’s cooking and baking. 🙂 


James Kong favourite baked strawberry cake