
Your Ultimate Guide To The New Instagram Collaboration Feature

Instagram collaboration feature is the newest tool social media marketing services can take advantage of. This feature allows two Instagram accounts to share a single post that appears on both of their Instagram feeds. Its benefits include: (1) a post is seen by both followers of the Instagram accounts collaborating; (2) the post appears on […]

Why Is It Important To Run Both Search Engine Ads And Social Media Ads?

Run Ad On Search Engine And Social Media Ads

Running ads on search engines and social media networks can help businesses grow when they create interesting and engaging paid campaigns that capture their potential customers’ attention. To further explain why businesses should run search engine ads and social media ads, this article will discuss the three reasons why: 1) Increase Brand Awareness; 2) Better Targeting Audience, and 3) Help You Reach Different Marketing Goals, including what search engine ads and social media ads are.