
23 SEO Trainings, Tips, Flips and Other Digital Marketing Resources

We’ve collected a few chunks of fascinating content about SEO these past few years. These posts have helped us explore the ever changing and exciting world of online marketing. SEO changes a lot. And navigating through this environment means that we, the navigators, need to share information to each other.


In the spirit of togetherness, here are some of the most fun and jam-packed posts we’ve made through the years. Brace your self, you brain might get a shock with this much info.



White Hat SEO For Beginners

– This post talks about the “light side of the force” -if you will. White Hat SEO is complex and therefore, an exciting type of science for the young SEO. While Black Hat SEO sounds “Cool” and “Evil”, it is light years behind when it comes to optimization technique evolution.



SEO Training: Anchor Texts For Beginners – Part 1

-This is the first post of a series of short tips we’ll be doing every month called “SEO Training”. Very straight forward, very short. Great for when you need a quick fix on your website. On this first one, we talk about Anchor Texts and how they should be done properly these modern times.



Top Modern Sources Of SEO Training Today

-On this post, we share today’s most credible sources of SEO knowledge out there.  If you’re going to start somewhere, (in SEO) you go the these places. (or Sites.)



How Studying SEO Is Like Jedi Training

-Becoming the best at what you want to be can be hard. But that’s when you know you’re on the right path. SEO, done right, will always yield more long term positive effects. Do it the wrong way, and your website will have force lightning bounce right back to it for sure.



5 Most Important Things We Learned About White Hat SEO

-In life, we learn a lot of very important lessons. In the world of SEO, there are a few things you’d need as well to not ruin it. Here, we talk about 5 examples.



Revisiting The Penguin Update Before It Arrives Again Real Soon

– Search engine updates have been coming around for a few years. Sometimes, the only way to avoid getting hit by these updates is to just do things properly. Making a round-up of your own about Google updates? You may want to check this out.



SEO Topics That Everyone Always Use

– There was a time online that every one wrote the same type of topics all for the sake of trying to vie for the top spot for a certain keyword or topic. On this post we got to explore what these types of topics are.



10 Ways To Do Digital Marketing For Those In Cash-Strapped Situations

– On your journey to greatness, there will be times that might derail you, budget-wise. Here are some advise and tricks you could use to avoid running out of cash to reach your dreams.



What Game Of Thrones Can Teach Us Digital Marketers About Our Industry

-We learn the most important lessons in anything and everything about business and digital marketing from the most unexpected of things. Then, there are lessons you learn from Game Of Thrones.



Relationship Science: Retaining SEO Clients With TLC

– Client retention can be tricky like any sort of relationship you’re in. Here, we talk about the little details that makes this kinds of relationship work.



SEO Perspective

– Young SEO’s out there might get burnt out and lose their focus. This post tells what we SEO’s need to be focusing on and resetting our proper perspective.



Penguin 3.0 And The Things You Should Realize By Now As An SEO

– The time Penguin 3.0 came out, it was a time when too much spammy links were filtered out. Much like when Starkiller base destroyed a few planets that the movie had no time to ponder on in The Force Awakens. Too much of one thing (Spam) is always bad.



SEO 2015: Diving Onto The Future

– The end of 2014 was an exciting time trying to figure out what the new advancements on search will be.



Using Your Virality To Make Your Small Business Explode: Social Media Hacks From The Movie “Chef”

– Jon Favreau’s “Chef” is a fun and inspiring film about a business owner’s rise from the ashes thanks to some excellent cooking skills and some excellent Twitter/social media promoting.



The Cool Trend: Content Marketing Strategies You Can Pick Up And Apply From The Ice Bucket Challenge

– Once again, we SEO’s should be able to see all the potential inspirations and repeating patterns we could apply on our own strategies. Here, we explore how the “Ice Bucket Challenge” worked for it’s cause at the time.



Traffic Over The Rainbow: How Color Plays A Big Role In Online Marketing

– Colours (we all should all know by now) play a very crucial role in how a website is perceived. And, in the end, how well it will perform.



Search Engine Optimization Today: Modifications For Constant Adaptation

– There was a momentary exciting spike of panic back when Hummingbird was released. Here, we explore that time.



– Links are important. You need link juice to let your website’s health flourish. But don’t avoid these no follow ones. Want to know why? Now’s your chance young Padawan.



– Link building has a lot of techniques. Like some form of martial arts, some are very intricate and complex, and some are really simple.



Content Marketing: The Party You Were Missing Out On

– We’ve been around for quite a while now. But let me tell you, there are still websites out there that lack one of the most important aspects they need to become useful online. There are still website owners that resort to old school ways and ignore recent developments on search.



5 SEO Tips For Your Hubpages Content

– Hubpages still has high quality inbound links. This post explores and enumerates what you need to do in order to have your content get published.



– This post also features a topic concerning doing something of one thing that yield’s negative effects on your website’s performance.



10 Reasons Why WordPress And SEO Are Best Friends

– This post was written back in 2013. And all of the things stated here are still true today.