
5 Tips To Surviving Google Algorithm Updates

Some of us do not sit well with frequent changes happening in our lives. Some want to remain in control and secure and that’s okay—it’s how we roll, anyway. However, an unchangeable fact is that everything is changing and we will all be required to adjust. Besides, how will we roll without an external force that makes us even move? More than this, the changes brought by our environment will make us struggle and eventually, be better individuals.


The same goes for the changes that we SEO strategists and content marketers always had to anticipate, adjust, and finally rein in. Now that the demands from the market are becoming more voluminous and the people’s activities online taking up most of their day, the digital space, particularly search engines like Google, has become more fickle as ever in order to improve user experience. 


What does that leave for us, SEO strategists? As SEO strategists, we are tasked to pool users to the brand or website that we are going to boost. With this, we must always be snappy in noticing even the slightest changes with Google or any other search engine. Here we have collated a few tips that Eric Sachs has enumerated in his article:



For what reason do people go to the Internet? Many of them are there to find the right information they are searching for. If you have that kind of information, you would be able to survive ongoing Google algorithm updates. On top of this, keeping your content engaging and of great quality will always keep your page in good terms with every update. As a rule of thumb, Sachs says that “you should write for people, not search engines.” This is because the content generation before is just aimed at making its way up SERPs. Now that Google keeps on revamping, it wants the most organic content it can get. With this, SEO strategists really need to collaborate in optimising the content a website will post. A few tips for this is to always provide original content or information, reporting or research. It must be as substantial as it can get and must be able to provide a comprehensive description. In other words, the content you will be posting must strive at providing new ideas.



Giving Information


Aside from the manner of how you provide information, a point that must be raised also concerns about what information you are going to post. You must show your expertise with the information that you are going to upload online. You must be knowledgeable about the subject you are talking about because it can be quite a mess if people get to read it. Search engines like Google also look if your content shows a level of expertise. This will foster trust among your readers. With this, Google recommends that you provide your audience with the right pieces of evidence on your claims and on why they should trust you. Having an About page would be good for them to know your credentials.



Research Competitors


One of the good practices you can do is to research competing sites to see the things they provide that you do not have. This allows you to keep up with your competitors and actually  Google advises webmasters to provide substantial value compared to pages that are similar to yours in the search engine. When providing the right content, make sure that it is useful, so people would continue visiting your site.



Site Presentation


It goes without saying that how your site looks would also be one of the bearings that will matter to Google. You must also bear in mind how it will function to Google. For starters, ensure that the spellings are correct and that there are no grammatical errors. It would also be good to avoid sharing too many ads.



Keep Doing What You Do

If what you usually do with your SEO processes is to always study the current pulse of the Internet, compare this data with the past, execute troubleshooting, and keep on being on track, then you are doing it right. SEO strategists, in turn, must always be keen on the changes that are happening with Google. They can only do this if they have always been sharp with the state of the digital space.


Here are just some of the tips that you can keep in mind whenever you encounter another Google algorithm update. Aside from this, there are also a lot of ways and strategies that you can pull in finally keeping up with every algorithm update. Over time, you will also develop your own expertise in dealing with the fickle ways of Google or any other search engines.


Doing this can be challenging while you are also dealing with your own processes. With this, SEO companies here in Singapore offer their expertise with the goings with Google and with the Internet at large. If you want to look more into this, you can inquire at this SEM agency in Singapore.