
Common SEO Practices To Avoid For Better Search Engine Ranking


Singapore SEO companies are currently doing everything that they can to excel in the global content marketing strategy industry. But since the world of SEO is constantly changing, it is very common to make some mistakes when doing the outdated website optimization techniques.


One of the most common mistakes that SEO companies in Singapore and other countries tend to commit is using the wrong keywords for their contents. This can be the result of forgetting the importance of using the right keywords preferred by search engines for long-tail keywords. According to a report from the Search Engine Journal, it will be beneficial for SEO specialists to determine the right words that could be used by their clients’ potential customers.


The report suggested that it could be ideal for SEO practitioners to do their background research first before they begin their optimization. They can also use available keyword generating tools like the Google AdWords KeywordPlanner, SEMRUSH, Google Trends, as well as the Moz Keyword Explorer to help them determine the right keywords to use for the website.


Another major SEO mistake to avoid is the use of keyword stuffing. This is usually committed by SEO beginners who believe that using the target keywords in each sentence of their content would increase the site’s rankings. Not only will this technique make the content look awkward, it will also make the site register as spammy by various search engines. This could penalize their sites and hurt their SEO performance.


Aside from keyword stuffing, the website’s rank can also be affected by poorly written contents. Some SEO agencies tend to hire article writers who could not come up with well-written pieces, or use article spinners to be able to come up with a huge volume of write-ups.


While doing so could give them a lot of articles to post on their website, it can also provide a negative impression on the site’s visitors since they can easily notice that the contents are not unique. This could have a negative result to the site since they will lose potential consumers.


SEO specialists should also avoid missing out on using title tags and meta descriptions. By definition, these two are very important elements of search engine optimization that must never be forgotten. When these two goes missing, it could result in a lot of missed potential for the site’s content since these elements were the ones noticed by search engines when crawling the website. This means that it is very important to write the title tags and meta descriptions properly to improve the content’s performance.


SEO specialists will also make a big mistake if they will not allocate a chunk of their budget in fast and mobile-friendly tools for their website since search engines now have the ability to detect sites that can be viewed properly using mobile devices.


Also, those who opted to submit a guest post to promote their sites could also commit a major mistake if they did not make any investigation about the host site first. If the SEO specialist will post on a wrong site, it can have a huge effect on their own site’s rankings and online reputation.


With all these in mind, it would be easier to come up with the right SEO practices that could help boost their ranks online.