
LSI 101: What You Need to Know

Making use of LSI keywords is the growing trend in digital marketing. Google and other leading search engines are becoming more “smarter” in understanding the context of search queries and website content through LSI keywords.


Gone were the days in which Google and other leading search engines rely on keyword density to rank websites. This is because keyword density has been greatly abused by most websites before in order to gain higher rankings. Some websites before spammed their pages with irrelevant keywords compromising the quality of their content. Users find it annoying whenever they stumbled upon a word or a phrase which looks out-of-place in a website. It is hard to understand the context of a specific content because of too much keyword stuffing. If this happens, there is a possibility for a user to immediately leave the website. Instead of increasing their ranking, websites end up digging their own graves. Bounce rates will continue to increase and Google might ban them from their search engines.


Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI)

In order to avoid such unfortunate circumstances, it is best to practice white hat SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques. Instead of keyword stuffing, websites can use LSI keywords or Latent Semantic Indexing to improve their ranking. LSI keywords are words and phrases which are relevant to your main keywords. It might sound like websites should look for the synonyms of their main keywords, but that is not exactly the case. It should be any word or phrase that is closely related to the main keywords of the website. In this way, websites can now optimise their content without using too much keyword stuffing, and at the same time, increase their chances of getting ranked high in leading search engines.


Using LSI keywords, Google and other leading search engines can easily determine the true meaning or context of a specific content. This makes it easier for them to properly match the search queries to the relevant websites. When Google and other search engines relied on keyword density before, users end up getting results which are totally different from their original intent. Instead of using an algorithm which focuses on individual words, search engines designed a new algorithm which analyses the total context of a keyword. Thus, websites should practice keyword variation instead of using the same main keywords all over again.


Although it is vital in SEO to monitor the status of the top main keywords, it is also equally important to utilise LSI keywords. LSI keywords work like a support to boost the rankings of the main keywords. Plus, LSI keywords can be used to generate leads and customers. The problem with most digital marketers nowadays is that they focus so much on getting higher rankings without actually getting leads. It is good if a website has a lot of visitors. This means that the users and search engines found their website reliable and user-friendly. However, the number of visitors alone means nothing if most of the visitors do not become customers. This is true especially to those websites which are built and created for a business. Thus, digital marketers should also focus on making use of the top 20, 50 or 100 keywords. There should be a balance in monitoring keywords.


Looking for LSI Keywords

For those digital marketers who have ran out of ideas on what words and phrases should they use as LSI keywords, they can simply use Google search engines. Just simply type the keyword on the search bar and Google will bold the related words & phrases on the description of each listed website in their SERPs. They can also use Google’s Auto Suggest function and “Searches Related To” tab to look for ideas. There are also other free tools which can generate LSI keywords like LSIGraph, NicheLaboratory, SEOPressor plugin, and Ultimate Keyword Hunter.


Now that they have known some of the words and phrases for LSI keywords, it is now time to optimise the content of their website. Insert all the LSI keywords in articles, images alt texts, META tags, URL address, and anchor texts. Just keep it to the minimum in order to avoid getting penalties from Google. Google might interpret it as keyword stuffing if an LSI keyword is widely used in most pages.


Since most people are using digital devices like smartphones, laptops, desktops and tablets, businesses aiming to expand their reach on their target consumers should utilise the capabilities of the world wide web. It would help if they built their very own website. This digital marketing strategy will become more effective if marketers knew how to optimise their websites through SEO techniques. For those businesses who are new to digital marketing but would want to test the waters of SEO, they could seek professional help from an SEO company in Singapore. With their knowledge and expertise, they can definitely improve a website’s ranking in no time.