Top 10 Free Website Tools That E-Commerce Business Owners Can Use

Every successful e-commerce website has utilised multiple tools to help their business grow. If you are a new e-commerce business owner, consider doing the same even if you are unable to invest in extensive tools. In this article, you will discover the top free website tools that e-commerce business owners can use: 1) Google Analytics; […]
Youtube Video SEO Guide: 8 Tips for Optimising Video for Search

Watching videos online has become part of everyone’s routine. Whether for personal or business purposes, we prefer watching online videos rather than reading content in a wall of text. That is not surprising since many studies show that videos are easier to retain information. According to research from Insivia, 95% of viewers often remember […]
Video SEO: How Can Videos Help Your Articles Rank On Google?

The goal of writing articles and blog posts is to give readers valuable information. In doing so, you can gain their trust, establish your credibility, and raise brand awareness. Most importantly, it is an excellent way to boost your SEO rankings, improve your online presence, and attract more readers to your website. Also, you […]
7 Types Of Video Content For Marketing

Videos are the present and future of digital marketing. You can attract hundreds of potential customers just by uploading high-quality videos consistently. Compared to written content, videos are superior in terms of popularity and engagement. Although content writing and copywriting still play a vital role in digital marketing, videos have better chances of grabbing […]
Brand Placement And The Magic Of Brand Visibility

Have you ever watched a film where the protagonist or lead character takes out a can of coke and you just suddenly want to take a sip of coke as well? Or maybe during a car chase scene you see the main character taking out a luxurious BMW and effortlessly drives it through twists […]