
The Relationship Between Digital Marketing Components: SEO & Content

Last week, we wrote about web design and its relationship with SEO strategies. Incorporating SEO techniques in the design process of a company website is an effective way of optimising it and enhancing its online presence. To do this, it is paramount that the website has great content. Otherwise, there would be nothing to optimise and regardless of how much SEO strategies are applied to it, these would not work at all.



What is SEO content?

It is referred to as the visual, aural, or textual content that is published and meant to be part of the user experience on a website. It can come in various forms such as images, text, applications, e-services, audio or video files, and various other data.


From the SEO perspective, it can simply be described as the content created with the main purpose of gathering organic search engine traffic. There are several types of SEO content:


• Blog Posts – this is one of the easiest ways to create a consistent stream of content for a website. These are effective in building authority for websites and are generally more engaging and have a higher chance of attracting organic traffic. They are very flexible and can be utilised to host other types of content.


• Product Pages – these are the most important pages in a retail e-commerce website and can serve as both a PPC (pay-per-click) and SEO content page.


• Guides – this is a type of long-form content that details how to do something. Depending on the preference of webmasters, guides can be published completely or in part (excerpts or summary). These are usually effective in generating traffic for websites but most guides require filled out registration forms to access the full content – this effectively reduces the amount of traffic as most viewers are not interested in registering.


• Lists – this content is a kind of article which is framed as a list (“5 Tips to Keeping your Home Clean” or “10 Things People Love About Social Media”) that is more readable and clickable when found in social media feeds or search results page because it is easy to scan.


• Infographics – these are large-format images that usually contain information or data on a single subject and are effective in gathering links or page views. Apart from this, it can greatly improve the aesthetics of a website.


• Videos – creating video content like tutorials on how to use certain products or illustrate a process that relates to a business is an effective way of attracting and reaching an audience.



What is content marketing?

It is the strategic marketing approach focused on a brand or business through the sharing of insightful, educational, and entertaining information that will appeal to readers. Furthermore, its purpose is to entice and retain clients by consistently creating and curating valuable and relevant content with the purpose of enhancing consumer behaviour. This is why content marketing is usually included in SEO services in Singapore.



How does SEO and content marketing relate to each other?

SEO without content marketing is like a body without a soul. In particular, every website needs content marketing like text, keywords, articles, substance, etc. and SEO is strategised around all of this. In conclusion, both must go hand in hand to be effective.


The main difference between these components is their scope wherein content marketing has a wider one because of its non-technical nature while SEO is more technical therefore has a narrower scope. Despite this difference, they still go hand-in-hand and can’t function without the other as illustrated below:


• White hat SEO demands content in the form of keywords, articles, words, and copies to fulfill its requirements for high rankings on the search engine results page. Since content marketing includes the creation of relevant and useful content, it can be described as the practical application of SEO.


• As a fundamental component of SEO, keywords are important but they alone can’t do anything. They need to be utilised with relevant content that of good quality instead of stuffing it up a web page with it so that search engines can deliver results to specific queries from users.


• Creating quality links back to a website is included in SEO and content marketing is decidedly an effective way to attract inbound links from readers.



One of the main reasons why an SEO agency in Singapore will always utilise these components together is the fact that because it is a long-term strategy, content can and will be discovered by random searching for years to come. This is in contrast to e-mail marketing or social media marketing which are relatively short-term.


In conclusion, SEO and content marketing are virtually useless without the other and hiring a good SEO company in Singapore that has a firm grasp of both components and their relationship to each other would work wonders for a business.