
User Behavior and how it affects SEO (Part 2)


Like much of what we’ve previously talked about on the first part of this long epic story, giving people what they want based on their behavior will shape their decisions and therefore give you and your business additional traffic.


There is no direct rule for this written anywhere, but logically speaking, all of this makes complete sense.


Now we’ll dive into the specifics on how you can optimise your website online using the behavior of the people you’ll want to attract.


Improving Page Speed


Making sure that your website’s pages load almost instantly whether you’re on mobile of desktop means so much to new visitors. (As well as your older customers)


User experience contributes to all of this so much. Just imagine if you’re interested in a product or service and it won’t load quickly enough, you would click or tap away immediately. Everything that’s connected to technology these days, including the humans in which we’re trying to use their behavior to improve our businesses, are slowly getting used to this fast paced delivery of information. If you fall behind just a little bit, you will be over taken by other competitors that can deliver what people are looking for, faster than you.


With that, it is definitely important for you to make sure that your Page speed is fast enough to accommodate people. Just to close, another reason for this to be important is that it is confirmed that Page speed is one of Google’s ranking signals.


To improve the Page speed, you will need to do the following things:



Enable compression


Minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML


Reduce redirects


Remove render-blocking JavaScript


Leverage browser caching


Improve server response time


Use a content distribution network


Optimize images



For more information on these, continue reading here.


Create Content Your Audience Would Want to See


People who are visiting websites all depend on a few things. One very heavy variable in all of it is your Content.


So your website can load almost instantly. But when a visitor gets there, and finds nothing, no image no video nor content or even a blog section that will leave a negative experience to them. This is very detrimental to the whole performance of your site as well as your business. You will need to get their attention immediately because this will help you make them come back for more.


Having a blog section isn’t enough. You will need to have updated and regular production of content. This not only ensures that the search engine (Google) will notice you, this will also give positive vibes to your audience. It is our natural behavior to always come back to the things that entertain us or give us satisfaction. Food, thrill rides as well as learning new information etc.


This is why websites like YouTube or Wikipedia are almost always full of traffic. People like them because of the things these website offer.


Modify your Meta Tags


Making your Title Tags and Meta Descriptions more attractive will help make your search results more clickable online. Once they show up, If they are written well enough, it will be the natural behavior of people to click on them.


“Making them attractive” means they should be written well. Not be filled with emoji’s and meaningless and misspelled informal words. These elements need to convey a message and attract a person within the 60 characters on a title tag and on a 155 character length for description tags.


Using people’s behavior and following these things for your search engine optimization should be the main focus of your campaign, not just the technical things that feed Google itself.