
What Marketers Can Learn from Viral Stories

There are many platforms for showing digital content. Through written copy, photos, and videos, a person or brand can be a sensation. Their stories become viral in cyberspace.


Facebook Posts

Being grateful for Facebook, regular people who make catchy statuses draw attention. Moreso, famous brands that put regular updates for their followers have higher page views. In making headlines, contests can be run. Mention the reward to encourage the potential buyer. Use keywords that regular people search in looking for the product. These are put at the start of the headline. Since the left margin is where the eyes look first, this part is deemed the most important.


The attention of the consumer is the goal. Direct sentences are the best to use. Also, call to action has to be prompt. Remember that the timing has to be right. The status format is friendly to the eyes and scannable. Since the status can be long, it is best to keep each section less than 20 seconds for reading. In asking the consumer to act on the status, make the request easy to do. Assure the consumer that he can be granted a big payoff.


A Facebook post has to arouse curiosity and generate interest. Links can be made for famous people. In this manner, their followers who are so many, can also see the post. The presence of featured images with good quality is more attractive. When empathy is elicited in the introduction of the post, it touches the person’s emotions. Put a constructive sense of fear in the post. This entices the person to keep on reading and act on it.


Add ‘Breaking News’ at the start of the post. Just make sure that it is for real. Mention a sudden change that appeals to the person. A decision that is not ordinary and appears on the post can be magnetic. Putting FREE on the post is a surefire way to let the person continue with the post. Include links to hot deals that the person’s contacts can be interested in. The presence of WARNING is a very strong signal. It signifies prevention of trouble. Who wants that, right?



Remember that the post can be read in a matter of seconds. Including a reliable source from a third party can make it more significant. It is best that the post is suitable for sharing on other platforms. Being comprehensive in nature saves a lot of time and effort. A headline for a status that has up to eight words is good. With a glance, it is read and understood in a very short while. When a great number of items is part of the post, the reader is enticed to know about its popularity.


Giving examples with photos make them clearer. Also, the presence of awesome graphics is great! A written post that has a complete package wins! This includes an interesting headline, high-quality photo, and scannable format. Mention expert commentary for the post to add credibility.


Increase the ‘likes’ on the post. Use language that is relatable in the real world. It is also best that it is direct. The more comments put on a post, the higher chances of it being spread. A cool infographic piques interest since it is a clever tool to explain information. Generate ‘shares’ for this tool.


Digital Videos

Besides the presence of Facebook written posts, it is also wonderful to make digital videos viral. Watching a short video piques attention. The great thing about this medium is that it can be watched on any website that allows its advertising. It is a goal for these videos to be shared and generate page views. Make the scene original and hold attention. It should be set apart from the ordinary. A humorous script is a great turn-on.


Empowering statements in a digital video that are shown in huge letters encourage action. Standard expectations are broken with elements of surprise and shock. Include taglines that are effective. There has to be a social motivation for the digital video. Practical benefits of the product are gauged before the digital video ends.  Based on a study, the length of this kind of video does not matter so much. As long as the creativity and purpose hits the target consumer, it can be viral.


It is important for the narrative to be thought of carefully. Make use of good word choice and setting of the scene. Be connected with the viewer emotionally. Remember who the video is created for. Pressing the ‘share’ button is realistic when there is an impact on the viewer. The presence of an influencer is also a boost for the followers. This persona has to be appealing to the target consumers.


By using Facebook posts and digital videos, there is a higher chance of raising awareness about a person, place or thing. Great content is the weapon for generating views.