If you’ve been wrestling with the idea on what time you should be posting your content on your social media site, we may have some answers for you.
But before we embark on a tour with the science behind social media postings, have you ever tried to track down the time and frequency of your posts? Try it, it’ll help you understand what time of the day people like you frequent on that specific social media site.
If it helps, you could also gauge the number of people “Available” on your chatbox in Facebook which will help you see when is the best time to reach out to your network and probably they have the same timeframe as that of your target market.
Based on the findings which can be found from Buffer there have been competing time schedules on the best one which would be the best for posting that essential content that’s on your plate.
If you’re posting once to twice a week, the best day of the week to have you content posted is either on a Friday or Saturday. The science is simple, people are often laid back on these dates and most probably looking for something exciting along the weekend such as meeting with friends or finding a great video to pass by time over the weekend.
The best time for the post to be posted online is late afternoon to early evening. Primarily because people at this time are more attuned to details and have a different aim such as to relax and to see what people have been up to lately. But this is where it gets tricky.
If you would want attention, something to grab your audience’s interest, you should post it in the morning, very early morning. In this way, a lot of people will get to peruse over your content.
Sounds complicated? Just remember a small detail. If you want people engaging, commenting, sharing even reading your content put it at late afternoon but if you’re after the hits, likes or after the audience reach, put it up in the morning.
The best content to put up in the morning are funny, cute and inspirational messages that will surely brighten everyone’s day, while those who are more serious content, mostly educational, most of which need some thinking over are better off in the late afternoons.
However, business propositions or sales content are better off sent between 9 am to 12 noon. Mainly because the sales content is a serious business and people are in their work at this time. This will indicate some level of connection and understanding that you present your sales proposal at the time when they are more open minded than in the afternoon when they are more stressed out.