
How Not to Destroy Your Mobile Performance


A website’s mobile performance has been in close scrutiny for these past few years. Mostly because everyone knows that the market online is shifting steadily towards mobile use. Those that fail to adapt and ride this wave are left in the dust. At this point, if you know your site isn’t optimized for mobile, you shouldn’t be surprised if your site’s performance isn’t up to par with all of your dear competitors.


The simple and minimalist types of website design is easy to manage or maintain, but these types of things don’t always apply to everyone. Sometimes, fancy websites and designs are more attractive. The problem here lies when the elements there that make it pretty and cool looking, makes it hard to load faster.


On desktop, elements like images for example that are too heavy tend to load slowly. This, as you’d guessed it, makes the whole experience of the visitor to be a bit negative. No one would ever enjoy waiting on a page to load. You just want to read or view whatever picture it is you want to see.


All these things also happen on Mobile. And as you could imagine, the effect on people is worse.


The whole point of mobile devices is that you should be able to get information on the go. So, where ever you are at the moment, you should have quick access to businesses and stores online.


If your site isn’t capable of loading all these heavy images on top of it not being mobile ready at all, you’re in deep trouble.


With these things in mind, you need to be able to find ways to use pretty graphics and images that aren’t too heavy to load. There are ways to keep all these elements light while keeping the quality.


Other ways of making your site load faster on mobile is that to minimize your server response time.


For us normies, the most simple explanation is this:


Determining Mobile page speed by your web coding but this also still largely depends on your server. Basically the longer your server waits to respond to a request from a browser the slower the loading time of your page is. So, to minimize the server response time, you will need to improve your web server software, enhance the quality of your hosting service and finally reduce the resources required by your web pages.


Next is to avoid and minimize redirects. There can be times that pages will have a few redirects. That’s fine, but imagine having to go through more than 2 redirects? This will definitely make the visitors bored and just swipe or tap away. Each page that loads when redirected will take a few seconds and worse, even a minute if in case the page it’s redirecting to currently has loading problems. So ideally, you should try to avoid doing too much redirects on your website.


There are still a lot more ways to make your site load faster on mobile and rightfully so. Because ignoring all of this will lead to you having really bad conversions.


Like what was mentioned above, everything on the market today is moving towards mobile. And this means that the more you start neglecting all these things, your campaign’s performance will slowly start to slide down. Every website last year that hasn’t upgraded their sites to adapt to mobile use has dropped in performance gradually. People panicked all year round but no one really thought about the part if their websites are actually mobile ready or not.


The moral lesson here is that whenever your niche is moving towards something, you should have the presence of mind to move along with them.