
Is Blogging Really Helpful For Your Business?

We don’t want to start this article by convincing all of you that content is king, because, we think, it’s something that has been established for a long time. But, to make a stronger point that it’s the magic potion that can solve your online marketing problems, we will give you a rather in-depth analysis why beefing up the contents of your website can greatly help your business.


Many companies may think that ‘web content’ only covers the basic page of your website – about page, products and services, portfolio, and client testimonials. But in the modern digital era, a company can already maximise the use of their website by creating their own marketing and advertising materials that can actually help their users – it’s called blogging.


We have already discussed before how creative contents changed the game in digital marketing. Through strategic planning and target market analysis, there’s no doubt that you can capture the attention of your audience. Many businesses and companies are already buying this idea – not to mention including this in their digital marketing plans. In online advertising, the most popular and most reliable way of reaching the audience is through blog articles – it requires less effort than video and graphic production but it calls directly to the needs of the consumers.



What Is Corporate Blogging?


Business blogging or corporate blogging is basically creating blog articles related to your products and services and offering your brand as the solution. It’s creating the need of the consumers and building a resolution from your company.


Ideally, a corporate blog should not sound as a promotional article outright. It has to cover a relevant social issue and aim to promote awareness, tied with credible information and first-hand experiences. This concept is very crucial. Some blog articles are obviously made to advertise a brand, which is incidentally hurting the company’s business.



How Can Corporate Blogging Help A Brand?


When planning for your blog articles, it’s important to remember that it’s all about quality and not the quantity. Regardless if you are posting tons of articles on a daily basis, if you are not passionately creating it, the post will just be another trash lying around in the World Wide Web.


More than just answering the FAQs about your products and services, it is recommended to craft articles that will be beneficial to the audience even if they will not avail of your services. It’s called image building. Every time you post a blog, there is a high chance it will be shared on the web. Once it’s shared, more people will read and see it. Through this, you are already establishing your authority in your industry which can gain trust from your consumers.


And in this modern world where word of mouth has become intensely powerful, sensible contents is a good way to feed the audience’s minds. It’s the simple usage of features versus benefits: persuading the consumers why they need what you have in a very subtle yet informative way.



Not Just Traffic: Benefits Of Blogging To Your Business


Sure. We all know that publishing blogs can greatly help your online traffic. By simply incorporating effective SEO strategies in writing your blogs, there’s no doubt that you can penetrate the search engines results pages (SERPs) and you can organically appear on searches that’s relevant to your brand. Especially when the title of your articles are in question form and it contains popular keywords, you can easily be visible on all SERPs.


But aside from the obvious, what else can corporate blogging bring to your business? How else can you benefit from educating your target market through publishing articles? Here are some of the things


1. Blogging can also be used for your social media campaigns

One of the many purposes of having a chunk of blog articles is you can also use this to boost your social media presence. Surely, you have to create unique contents for your Facebook or Twitter accounts, but sharing your blog articles on social media networks is also a powerful method.


Let’s face it: not all consumers go to Google to look for answers. Some consumers are on searching on social media networks if they want to know more information about something. If latter type of consumer follows your brand in social media, then your shared blog can be helpful. They can also share your posts using their own accounts, which can invite new website visitors.


2. Blogging can convert your online traffic to leads

This is one of the reasons why conceptualizing for a good topic and crafting a good article is extremely important. Once a user clicks on your page, you have 5 seconds to capture his attention and about 2 minutes to persuade him that he needs your help. Quality blogging can help you do that.


Gone are the days of gigantic call to actions (CTA) and overused lines like “call us” or “visit us” on your home page. It’s the age for a new word play. Blogging is the new “CTA”. As mentioned earlier, laying out the needs and benefits of the consumers can make them want to avail of your service. How? Well, take a look at these article titles:


(For a cosmetic clinic) Sleep right, Sleep tight: Common sleeping habits that causes eye bags

(For an interior designer) Toilet tips: The latest trends in designing your bathrooms

(For a pest control company) Understanding the Life Cycle of Cockroaches

(For an event organizer) Tips on conceptualizing personalized events

(For a preschool) To school or not to school: When is the best time to send your baby to preschool?


As you can see, these articles are sensible and common information that many people may be interested in. Let’s take the first one. When a person is having problems about eye bags and he wants to know why, he will search for the causes. In your blog, you can site all the examples that will linger the reader’s interest. In the end, they will decide that YOU are the solution.


3. Blogging can help you establish authority

Would you buy products from someone who is not knowledgeable of what they are selling? Definitely, not. Another secret of blogging is the ability to brag about your company’s understanding of the industry in a creative way. Creating contents that actually helps your customers give you the authority over other companies.


Although “authority” is pretty much subjective and cannot be measured in concrete, it’s something that’s undeniable. You will notice authority when people are actually using your brand as household name, or when they are changing the verbs to your company name, (e.g. Google).  It’s like when people are looking for answers or they are confused with an information and they want to validate it, they will search it online. Once they find the resolution to your website, and it’s credible and doesn’t sound like a PR stunt, that’s when you’ll start to establish authority. It makes you the expert in the industry.


But why do you need blogs when your existing clients can attest to your expertise? It’s simple: people know that your usual web contents are a form of advertising. Unlike with blogs, that is packed with well-researched information, your client testimonials and portfolio are obviously speaking the “selling” language, and consumers hate that. Through blogging, they will know that you are not just about creating new businesses; blogging makes you look like you really care.


4. Blogging is an immortal way of online advertising

Unless you take it down, your blog articles will ALWAYS be on the Internet. And if the keyword planning and SEO strategies you applied on your blogs are strong, your articles will always appear on SERPs. Basically, it’s the cheapest means of advertising your product.


From the moment you post your article online, it will start ranking in search engines and it will be there for as long as your domain is up. A blog doesn’t have a timeline. Try Googling “why SEO is important”, and you will see that the first few results were not published in the past months. With that said, it may be safe to say that through blogging you can count on more traffic and leads in the future without additional investment.



Is Blogging An Asset Or A Liability?


Of course, it’s an asset. It may require more work to post additional web content on a daily or weekly basis, but the invested time and effort will be all worth it. Aside from the absolute effect of blogging in increasing your organic traffic, it offers so much more.


By blogging, you are also expanding your social media exposure, persuading your visitors to buy your products, building a positive image for your brand, and creating a lasting dent on the online community. These benefits are all worth investing for; you’re basically hitting four birds in one stone.