
Know Your Articles: Different Types Of Blogs You Can Post

Today, many use the Internet for a variety of reasons: whether you want to reach out to your family and friends, do your work or schoolwork or just simply want to let loose. In this day and age, the Internet makes it possible to spread information at a dramatic pace through many means—one of these is through posting blogs.


We can say that blog posts are one of the front-liners when it comes to campaigning your brand online. Aside from keywords that lead to your website, your blog post will also provide your audiences with the right information containing the industry where your brand is positioned. Given its nature, blog posts are truly a gift to everyone.


Now, before you go trigger-happy with the blogs that you are about to post, it would be best for you to know different types of blog posts. This will help you in knowing what type of blog to launch at the right time, place, and topic. With this, your audiences will surely get to know your brand. Here are the said types of blogs that you can thoroughly plan out:



How-to’s And Tutorials


You would be surprised by how many people rely on the Internet to teach things that they do not know about. You would find a lot of blogs that offer a step-by-step instruction or tutorial about how to do this or to do that. These blogs will help people accomplish things that they are having troubles. Your how-to or tutorial blog posts should be clear enough to be understood by your audiences.





Another thing about reading resources online is that they are concise and easy to digest. If textbooks and other traditional resources tend to bombard you with long paragraphs, blog posts such as listicles offer a more convenient way of reading and getting information. Blog posts practically have all its major points laid out convenient post



Resources Or Link Lists

Listicles may have its points listed out but it is not entirely a resources list. With link lists, you as a content creator curate other people’s content to have it become a more unified post that has all that the audience might need. This is the best type of blog to use if you are learning about a category. You as a creator may be the one to gather all these data.



Checklists Or To-do’s


What audiences usually look for online is the right thing to do—or the best one that there is, at the least. Compared to how-to posts, these posts would focus on how to do things in the best way and ensure that nothing becomes too screwed. When your reader is a bit bombarded with a lot to do, they will definitely thank you for keeping it all together with your blog post.




Most audiences need to research first about a product or a service that they are going to try out. This saves up time and money for them. This can also save them from any type of risk, depending on the product or service. More than this, reviews can also get you free samples from products that you are to review.



Controversial Posts

If you are looking for a blog post that will spark interaction, these kinds of posts are the ones that you could do. Controversial posts take a stance on a subject that your audiences are passionate about. The thing with controversial posts, though, is that it can really get a lot of engagements about the topic—so much so that you can expect angry comments.




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Today in the digital age, people tend to be living at a fast pace. Because of this, they tend to just gloss over the things they find online. With this, infographics are the best choice because it already has a lot of things that you needed to know. It is also written in a way that is easy to remember and easy to read. More than this, it is also not as bombarding as other articles that only have text on it. Infographics tend to have a few icons that make retention better.



Guest Posts

Today, Google favours articles that are written by real industry experts. Well, you cannot have it all but you can get outside experts to contribute to your blog with guest posting. This gives you fresh and legitimate content without trying to be the expert, yourself.


Here are just some of the types of blogs that you can use and juggle based on your topics and on what your audience may have been looking for. With great articles, your audiences will genuinely engage with you which will grant you traffic and eventually, paying customers. When fixing content like these, you would need the help of a digital marketing company that can also handle your content, like OOm.