
2014, in a few days will all be over. Another long year will come to pass. Time has once again given all things to age, change and evolution. And much like all the animals in an ever changing and developing environment, adaptation is the key for long term survival.


The world of online marketing has been continuously developing towards what search engines have started to run on these recent few years. And for sure, it’ll continue to do so in the next coming years. They will keep changing and improving in order to serve the right kinds of information for the people and at the same time, to evade the immensely square and unevolving, unimaginative Black hat hocus-pocus.


If you can observe how the search engine results behave these days, you’ll be able to determine that it’s doing its best to deliver information to questions or queries.  Which means that websites will need to focus on:


Long and Conversational Keyword Phrases

Search engines rank and prioritize pages that has the best and most relevant answers to questions that people type in the most. They would want to serve the quickest and the finest kinds of information to people that go to them for answers. Have you seen Tony Stark ask J.A.R.V.I.S. with short  words? They usually converse and communicate more intelligently. This is where all things are pointed onto. The future of information sharing.



Inbound Links

Yep. These will still be important by next year. Just a short look back, before all these, you can just get tons of links and rank. Now, because we’re approaching J.A.R.V.I.S. like advancements on search engines, that’ll most definitely kill your site and therefore your business. What we all need to keep in mind is to get links that are important, relevant and of high quality as well as making sure that all the links ARE natural.



Optimizing Sites For Mobile Use

As time goes by, more and more advancements has been cropping up left to right when it comes to Mobile devices. Almost everyone out there today has at least one mobile device and uses it to go to the internet. Obviously, making websites accessible through mobile devices is one of the most important things to invest on.



Anticipate The Audience’s Behavior

Because Google has already started to consider what people will be wanting to learn and find out when they go online, they now also monitor how people will behave when they see a certain page or website. The User Experience and Bounce rates are now being monitored. If  a person has a bad User Experience on your website, Google will know. And this will affect your website’s performance gravely. This will also have an effect on mobile searches. Site owners should not just scale down images making them un recognizable. Images and content should all still be comprehensible on mobile.



Content.: The Never Ending Battle

Yes, Content will still be king next year. This is one of the main things that makes all this run. A website that has ample amounts of rich and fresh content in an age of information is a website that will continue to rise above the waves of the algorithm. If you have the information that people are looking for, your site can survive anything. This will become more apparent and more effective when distributed properly. Which then brings us to:



Hello Social Media

For a few years there was an indefinite idea that Social Media might be a good addition to optimizing a website. This time, for sure, most especially for the next few years ahead, Social Media will definitely have a great role in all of this. Partly because of the boom in the number of mobile device users. People love sharing things. They sometimes spend too much time enjoying the types of content they see online then spreading them on social media. It is a perfect place to spread news and information. Utilizing and integrating this onto a campaign is a very crucial step in ensuring your website’s and business’ future.


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