
SEO Training: Anchor Texts For Beginners – Part 2

After almost 2 years, we now go back to this series! So many developments have already happened to the world of search and the world in general. But don’t get too excited, we’re here to focus on the proper ways you use anchor texts on your blog posts.


As previously discussed before, if you plan on using specific keywords on sentences, you should always make sure that the keyword fits properly.


Now we move on to where and how much we use these keywords in an article.


First Keyword Mortal Sin: Using All Of Them All At Once

Let’s imagine for a moment that you have a set of keywords you would want to use:


Parasol Singapore


Roof Specialist Singapore


Retractable Awning Singapore


You get started and you end up with something like this. Take a close look at this sentence.


Here in Singapore, roof specialists or roofing contractors can provide you assistance whether it is about a parasol, retractable awning, or even just general roof maintenance and repair.


Although the thought and idea is okay, there’s just so many keywords all jumbled up in one sentence. You can still decide to link on one or two of the keywords here, but doing so already makes it too obvious that you are using these keywords. The best you can do in this situation is to hyperlink a whole line like either of the examples below:


  1. Here in Singapore, roof specialists or roofing contractors can provide you assistance whether it is about a parasol, retractable awning, or even just general roof maintenance and repair.
  2. Here in Singapore, roof specialists or roofing contractors can provide you assistance whether it is about a parasol, retractable awning, or even just general roof maintenance and repair.


Another mistake connected to this is the fact that you already wrote all the keywords in one sentence. Yes, you need your focus keywords to show up above the fold, but just imagine how obvious and “Spammy” this would feel or read like. It shows that you just deliberately stuck all the keywords in one region of the article.


What you can do (as a responsible, non-spam, glorifying white-hatter of the SEO world) is to talk about each keyword.


What I mean is that each of them can have a specific paragraph or portion on the article where they can have room to be discussed in detail. You don’t even have to change your topic when doing this.


“But AJ!!!??” You might violently retort, “I’m trying to link build these 3 all at once to help them rank!”


That’s fine, you can still go through with the style I mentioned, or just simply create content for each.


Using Keywords On Fantastic Quotes






Using quotes said by other people enhances the credibility of an article, for sure. It shows that what you are trying to say on that article is legit and people actually agree with you; plus, it bumps up the word count. #YKWIM


But here’s the problem: you can easily create a fictitious quote from a fictitious person. That’s fine, but what if you place the keyword INSIDE that fictitious quote?


Abe who had a foot corn removal in Singapore shared how he permanently got rid of it by having it removed by a real podiatrist, “The removal process was quite quick and very safe. It only took me days to recover and for the wound to heal. I never had corn after that because I became aware of the right cleansing ways to do just how my podiatrist advised,” shared Darren, 22, a professional athlete


For context, the keyword here is “foot corn removal Singapore” And yes there’s an extra problem here which is the continuity of the name of the person. Is it Abe or Darren? We will never know.


Going back to our point, (let’s ignore that the writer mentioned two different names here, okay?) the problem here is that you will get burned on all sides:


– Your client will lose credibility
– Your client will chase you and ask who Darren A.K.A. Abe is
– Your client will tell you that there was no Darren A.K.A. Abe (professional athlete) on their records of patients
– You may lose your client
– People will lose trust in your client’s business, as well as on you and your business.


Everybody loses.


If you genuinely want to use quotes on your articles, what you can do is make sure that they were actually said by real people and/or real customers of your client. If it’s hard to find quotes, you can ask your client! Interact with your clients, dear SEOs — that’s part of relationship building.


Placing Keywords Near Bad Words (Not Curse Words)

There are instances that you get to write super naturally that the keywords do land perfectly on some of the sentences. That’s cool and it should be done that way, but what if this happens:


If you are working online and if you want to make your business pop on the SERPS, you need to avoid these bad SEO company traits:


*keywords here of course is SEO Company


This is light compared to the more disastrous examples I cannot find at the moment. Placing your keywords in a sentence filled with negative meaning is logically, obviously, and horrendously bad. Unless you can hyperlink a past post that talks about “bad SEO company Traits,” this is a no-no.


Doing this is like literally placing your infant on the floor of a public toilet so you can show him/her off to people.


If that’s your strategy, then it’s okay to use — but if isn’t, then this style shouldn’t be done at all. Remember, what you are doing is to promote your client in a positive way.


And so, to summarize:  don’t get too excited when using keywords, this isn’t 2007; use keywords naturally, and don’t focus too much on mentioning them repeatedly all on one spot; don’t use fake testimonials to bump up the word count (people like to read, but too much is still bad); and lastly, remember to “carry your keywords with care like it’s your baby” by surrounding it with positive words and sentences.