
Ways to Optimise Your Images

Texts should not be the only thing to be utilized on a website. Photos and graphics should be too.


Common SEO companies’ practices show the effective use of keywords in a websites’ article in order to increase website traffic. This makes a website become more visible and accessible to users. By knowing the trends in relevant search engine sites such as Google, Bing and Yahoo, a website can develop a significant presence on the internet.


But photos are considered content too, right? So, it is better to learn how to optimise photos on a website. With the new features in Google image search, users can find images with a comprehensive and accurate image search. Noticed that the Image search tab in Google have “tools” and “settings” options to help users filter unnecessary results? SEO companies can actually utilize these new features in order to increase the brand awareness of a particular business.


Google image search has a feature in which whenever a user clicks the photo, the details of the image such as the website it comes from shows up. This creates a chance for websites to be visited by users who have seen their photos.


Here are some of the ways to optimise the images in a website to increase traffic and gain a substantial presence online:


Choosing the Right Photos

In a website, photos are one of the most attractive things to be seen. In online reputation management, good visual content can undoubtedly grab the attention of users. A website becomes too bland and boring with an all-text content such as posting articles and quotes only because it lacks the visual representation of what the website is all about. Oftentimes, users get too overwhelmed once they stumble upon a sea of words on a website. Thus, it is better to write bulleted lists and short descriptions while placing a photo along with it. Placing the photo near relevant keywords can also help if a business is intending to increase the rank of a particular photo in search engines.


But what kind of photos should be displayed in a website? Original ones, of course! Using stock photos from websites like Flickr are too generic, and it often looks out-of-place in a website. If a business promotes a service or product, website designers should ask for the business to provide them actual photos of their products. Or if it is a service, a business’ website should at least capture the actual process of their services. A good example of this would be taking photos during the service was rendered to a client, and then posting it on their website. In this way, users will be able to have a brief idea of how it works.


Save File Keywords and Format

In taking photos using a point-and-shoot camera or even a fancy DSLR camera, chances are that the filename of the photos will look something like this: DSC1001.jpeg. Although a business has high-quality photos available to be posted, they should consider changing the filename first before uploading them. The filename has a significant impact on building the online presence of a website. By naming the filename of a photo properly, it would be easier to get it to the top results of search engines.


Another helpful tip is to choose the right format of the photo. Photos can greatly affect the website’s loading time if its file size is too large. Images with large file sizes can take too long before it loads. Consider using WebP instead of JPEG or PNG since it makes photos retain their quality, and at the same time, it has a smaller file size.  


ALT Text

Adding ALT Texts in images can also be another way of optimizing it. ALT text provides a short description of the photo which makes it a useful SEO technique because Google and other search engines can easily recognize what the photo is all about. However, businesses should be wary of using ALT text because Google has the tendency to ban images with long, irrelevant ALT texts. looks like Google has found out that ALT text has been abused by several web designers to gain substantial traffic in their sites. Using essential keywords is a good online reputation management move for business with websites.


Sometimes, it is too hard to decipher what is being described in the article because of the lack of photos. This can happen especially if the topic is too technical for the user. Photos and graphics can help users easily understand what products and services is a particular business offering. However, web designers should not go too overboard in putting graphics such as illustrations and animations on their website to avoid looking cluttered. Just a few images and graphics relevant to the topics are enough to make a website look appealing.


In conclusion, posting photos is a great strategy to get users to stay and explore a website. Just follow these simple tricks, and your website would surely become one of the trusted ones by users, industry experts, and even search engines.