
Why Infographics is Powerful

Thanks to the internet, users from all over the world can now access any information anytime. Many business owners and digital marketers made use of this capability to introduce their brand to a large pool of users. But because of the large amount of information available on the web, it is difficult to stand out amongst the thousands (or even millions) of websites on the web.


Sometimes, the information becomes redundant that most users would fail to look discover websites which are highly relevant to their search query. Even though Google and other leading search engines are becoming smarter in filtering reliable websites from those which are not, it is still hard for a website to get noticed using blocks of words to introduce their content to users. No one wants to read long paragraphs on a website unless they are an avid reader. It feels intimidating to look at blocks of texts displayed on a page that users tend to quickly click the back button and move on to another website. Even avid readers get tired of scanning through long paragraphs, especially if the topic is too complicated or technical for them to understand.


Including graphics like photos can help boost visitor count. Many users will be enticed to stay and explore on a website with attractive and informative graphics like infographics. Infographics are photos which contain icons and descriptive texts to explain a specific product or service. Most graphic designers use infographics to creatively come up with a concept which can be easily understood by users. Since most users are visual learners, it would be easier for them to understand a specific content of a website with infographics posted in its pages.


Social Media & Infographics

Ever noticed that most users are sharing more graphic content like infographics than plain written texts? This is because infographics are enticing enough to be shared with other users. Facebook and other social media platforms work this way: there is a tendency for a user to share a photo or graphic into his account for his friends and family to see. It makes a user feel relevant whenever other users like and share the content he shared. If ever a digital marketer managed to create an enticing infographic, then there is a huge possibility that it would increase their chances to reach their target consumers online. Their infographic will generate a high number of likes and shares which would be helpful to get them recognised online.


Plus, social media accounts promote interaction between two users. Digital marketers can use infographics to create grab the attention of a user, and if it succeeds in attracting the user, then he naturally will ask a business some inquiries about their products and services. This provides the opportunity for businesses to interact and engage with their customers. Many consumers would most likely want to transact with businesses who give immediate responses to their inquiries. With great customer service, many users will be attracted to avail their products and services. They can even share it with their experience with their friends and family in which this will help increase a business’ customer base.


Embedded Links

One strategy to improve the ranking of a website is to include embedded links in infographics. This strategy can be effective if a business managed to work with influential bloggers, a.k.a. “Guest Posting”. If the blogger agrees with their request, they will be allowed to create a blog post which will be used to promote their products and services. It would be best to include infographics in the blog post since this will help users to digest the information written on the blog post. Just remember to include an embedded code in the infographic so that when users clicked on the infographic, they will be immediately linked back to the official website. This will help increase the number of backlinks on their website. Search engines like Google measure the reliability of a website by determining its number of backlinks. If found reliable, then there is a high chance for the website to land on the first few pages on Google’s SERP (Search Engine Results Pages). More users would then easily discover their website once they typed in their search query the relevant keywords related to their products and services.


It only takes a quick glance for the users to get the gist of an infographic. This what makes an infographic an effective digital marketing tool. Since there is a vast amount of information available on the web, it would be difficult and time-consuming for users to review each information thoroughly just to confirm if it is relevant to their search query or not. They need information which is both quick and easy-to-understand. But for those who need an extra helping hand in making attractive infographics and catchy meta descriptions, an SEO company in Singapore can help provide these services. They even provide social media management services in Singapore to help increase the online presence of a business on Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms.