
Your Complete Guide To Managing A Social Media Campaign

Likes, shares, tweets, comments—everyone’s head is wrapped around social media these days, and it’s no surprise. When you’re on social media, you can witness other people’s happenings, opinions, posts, and personal stuff in general, almost as if they have a separate life online. Fortunately, you could do the same for your business, where having a social media page is a must these days!


Social media management is a process that involves the active usage of networking sites such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and many more. You can manage one or more social media accounts for your business and use a platform for distributing content to your target audience.


Similar to how a lot of people these days post pictures, videos, and captions online, you can do the same for your business. But first, there’s a lot about social media management that you need to find out. So let’s get down to business and discuss the importance of social media management.



The Importance Of Social Media Management

As you’re reading this right now, there are more than 3.8 billion active social media users worldwide. That’s how important social media is these days, especially if you’re running a business. With a social media page that you can manage almost 24/7, you could reach your target audience at a faster rate and even communicate with them to discover their traits and behaviour.


Time is of the essence when you’re establishing your online identity on social media, which is why you should start a campaign as soon as possible. Every minute that you’re active on the Internet is a chance to define your target market and generate leads. So as much as possible, try to stay active and practise proper communication with your customers to identify their needs.



Social Media Management: Factors To Consider

Sure, managing a social media page sounds as easy as using your personal Facebook profile—but not quite. There’s a lot of differences between a business page and a personal profile, so it’s best to familiarise yourself with the ins and outs of social media management.


With that said, there are a lot of factors to consider first. Get to know each one to gain a better understanding of social media management as a whole.


1. The Difference Between Social Media Management And Marketing


It’s quite easy to get confused with social media marketing and social media management. While they both share a few similarities, they’re quite different on their own.


As discussed earlier, social media management refers to the act of using networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. That includes scheduling posts, engaging with users, and maintaining personal information.


On the other hand, social media marketing is a bit similar, but the purpose is to expand your business and target a specific audience. Your goal is to create a marketing strategy that will help you define your target market and expand your reach.


In conclusion, social media management is the process of managing a page, while social media marketing is planning how you can do so behind the scenes. With the right plan and networking platform, you can market your brand to a whole new level and reach your target audience in no time.


2. Choosing The Right Platform


Incorporating all available social media platforms is a logistical nightmare, even if it sounds like a good idea. That’s why you should choose the right networking platform for your business. Here’s a list of commonly used social media sites in Singapore sorted from most to least.


  1. Facebook


  1. Twitter


  1. Pinterest


  1. Instagram


  1. YouTube


  1. Reddit


3. Defining Your Target Market


It might seem easy to pick Facebook as your social media platform since it has the most number of users. However, you need to consider your target audience so you can find out which networking site is perfect for your business. Plus, there are other platforms that could benefit your objectives too, like LinkedIn and WhatsApp


Research the demographics and users of each social media site to know which one consists of your target consumers. For instance, your goal is to target male consumers ages 20-25 years old who have a job in the digital marketing industry. Once you know who you’re targeting, it will be easier for you to create content and engage with your audience on social media.



Tips For Managing Your Social Media Page

Planning is just the beginning. Now, you have to focus on managing your page by creating content and engaging with your audience. In doing so, you’ll build a reputation on social media that’s necessary for marketing.


Define Your Voice. What’s the kind of impression that you want to set for your business? Do you want your brand to be well-known for consistent humour, or perhaps you’re more of the no-nonsense business type? Create quality content that will set the tone for your brand image and be consistent when doing so.


Be Human. When you’re active on social media, remember to be human. You may run a business page, but you have to show a personality that will capture the interests of your target audience. For instance, you could post greetings during a holiday or maybe crack a joke if you’re sharing a link on Facebook.


Evaluate Your Performance. Most networking sites offer a feature that will let you analyse and evaluate the results of your performance. You can see how many people you’ve reached and engaged with. As a result, you can find ways on how you can improve your management strategies to gain more leads.




Managing a social media page is a trial and error process. You might not get it right the first time, but eventually, you’ll learn how to improve your strategies, the more you get accustomed to social media. The outcome? You’ll create an online identity for your brand that will benefit your business in the long run.


For more tips related to digital marketing, you can contact our SEO company in Singapore at +65 6391 0930.

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