
Design Showcase: Brands and logo transformation

Apart from their products and services, brands only have one solid identifier: their logo. With the fast-changing consumer demands and preferences, it’s necessary for companies to keep up with the interest of their target market. Because as much as search engine optimization helps on the overall visibility of your site on search engines, the impression that you will impart to your customers depends solely on your brand image and promotion.


Creating and redesigning your logo is a tricky step, especially in digital marketing where millions of online users can easily criticise your brand and compare it to others. Also, transforming your logo is not just about changing the font or color. It has to have the right mix of theme, elements, and style.


If you’re in the midst of redesigning your brand or if you are about to create a new brand, here are some of the most effective and creative brand logo transformations of all time. You can set these as an inspiration before your brand’s more powerful identifier.



Google has changed its logo, although some are really too subtle to notice, numerous times since they launched. Despite the obvious change of serif to sanserif font, Google made it a point to keep their colorful logo steady. Moreover, Google also personalise their logos for various occasions to make it more appealing to the users – a strategy that makes some users look forward to.





Another search engine, Yahoo!, reinvents their logo since its inception. To continuously adapt with the fast-changing user preference (and to compete with Google), Yahoo! has changed its logo, color, icon, and brand proposition since 1996. But to keep their brand memorable, Yahoo! kept the exclamation point in their logos – an identity that has been associated with the company since Yahoo! Messenger days.





Apple always wants to be unique while keeping the class and elegance of their brand. More than just its promising products and co-brands, Apple made sure to adhere with the dynamic taste of the consumer while keeping their ‘apple’ identity intact. Thus, even with the passing of their founder in 2011, when the company continuously rebrand their logo, they manage to keep it simple, classy, and easy to remember.





Of all the consumer products, Starbucks can be said as one of the most popular brand worldwide. The word ‘coffee’ has been associated with the brand as it continuously reach various small cities around the globe. Because of that, its identity has established its household popularity. But no matter how many times Starbucks changed its logo, the siren and the color green will always be their trademark.





If you are in the technology business, it will be hard to not update your logo as technology progress, right? As their operating system evolves, Microsoft makes sure to keep their logo design in the speed too. But despite the numerous changes, Microsoft keeps the four square logos representing their Windows. Pretty cool, right?




Since it’s first major logo change in 2002, (Mozilla) Firefox also made subtle but remarkable changes in their logo. From the minor changes in color, to shortening the fox’s tail, and up to removing the overall glowing effect in their logos, Firefox has successfully kept the brand’s elegance through the years.




Speaking of subtle yet impacting changes, Canon also did the same through the years. Although the company has been using the sturdy logo they have established in 1974, prior upgrades have made the brand of what it is today.




From the southern-inspired fonts, Wendy’s has transformed with a more ‘girly’ logo. Through the years, this old-fashioned fast food chain has survived amid big names surfacing such as McDonald’s and Burger King. With the new image building, it sure looks like Wendy’s has finally found its more appropriate identity.



Here are some of the remarkable logo transformations that we have observed. Its popularity and success do not need blurbs and company name. That’s how you know it’s creative and effective.







Logos can actually become a marketing campaign on its own. It has the capacity to instill brand recall to the minds of your consumers. Just a thought of single element can be associated with your brand. For instance, if you think of a letter M and the color yellow, there’s only one brand that will come into mind. If you think of a green mermaid, you will surely crave for a cup of delicious coffee. But, on the other hand, if the logo done is wrong, it can drag your brand down to obscurity – to the point that it will affect your sales.