
Digital Loyalty Programmes Part 1

Retailers have to know what makes their consumers come back. By creating a loyalty programme online, they are able to observe purchasing behavior.


Keep It Super Simple

A brand is able to retain its consumers through an online loyalty program. Being engaged with the program shows its success. The details for its usage are clear for the consumer. Make the program structure appealing for the consumer to earn points and get rewards. When the purchase is of any item, it allows easier reach for the target points. Redemption of the rewards is within reach as well. Let the consumer know his updated status for the rewards.


On the website of the brand, this is mentioned in My Account. At any time, the consumer is able to access the most recent points earned. For current and new members, there may be differences in the rewards. When the loyalty programme produces more sales and members, it is deemed successful. Looking for the brand online is possible through search engine marketing in Singapore. In making the consumer engaged online, there are specialists for customer experience design who create easy programmes.


Based on digital experts, the smartphone serves as the most powerful medium to reach the consumer. This device creates engagement the most since it is used anywhere. Through apps, the brand improves the consumer’s experience. According to a study, at least 50% of consumers rely on this device to be updated with the programme. The development of an app is expensive. Although this is the case, it becomes a worthy investment to reach the consumer.


Through an seo company in Singapore, the current website of the brand may be leveraged. Improvements are made to save on the costs of making an app. Email updates are accessible on a smartphone. The consumer simply has to download the app. By providing these updates, the consumer is aware of how many more points to earn. Also, redemption of rewards is possible. Upon knowing the kinds of available rewards, the consumer may redeem them.


Only Request Important Personal Information

In signing up for the loyalty programme, let the consumer provide important personal information only. A short online form is adequate to continue with it. Establishing a loyal relationship with the consumer is initiated. First impressions with the programme make a lasting partnership. The less information asked for, the more inclined the consumer completes the form. Bear in mind that the consumer has other things to do besides filling it up.


There is a right time to gather more personal information from the consumer. This is done slowly as purchases are bought. When the consumer fills up the online form, it is only part of a process. Supposing there are five steps to accomplish, step one is only short. It is suitable that the whole form is seen on the screen. Further information may be asked over time as the number of purchases rise. After all, it is the goal of the brand to retain the consumer’s support.


Collecting Substantial Information

When the loyalty programme receives positive responses from the consumers, more information is gotten from them. Based on a study, more than 80% of consumers find this action beneficial for their future experiences. Through this programme, the information that the consumers provide become useful for the brand. Profiles of consumers are analysed to determine the kinds of rewards to be offered. By using search engine marketing in Singapore, the rewards may be known.


Seeking The Desire of The Consumers

Through the loyalty programme, the responses of the consumers are analysed. Depending on their experiences with the programme, data of qualitative and quantitative nature is obtained. The consumers from different segments, as applicable, are surveyed. From this form of marketing, the desired products of the consumers are known. These kinds of information serve as bases for the generated rewards. When the consumer trusts the brand already, he is willing to share more personal information.


Segmentation of The Programme

It is common knowledge in retail business that a loyalty programme is suitable for segmentation. Before a programme begins, the preferred products of the loyal consumers were observed. From this behavior, a strategy is created to retain their support. When it is proven that the programme generated profit for the business, that is the time when it expands to a broader consumer base. With the assistance of an seo company in Singapore, the brand may be searched online.


Take a cosmetics brand as an example. In its loyalty programme, there is a system used to measure the consumer segment that is most active. It produced a campaign to know the reasons behind not purchasing at the physical store. From the outcome, store operations are improved.  


Retaining the consumer’s loyalty through an online programme is beneficial for the brand.

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