
Impact of A Featured Top List of Anything


Before buying a product or service, a featured brand on a top list makes a difference. Consider the credibility of the media outlet that gave it. Also, its target supporters are part of the scope.



The consumer wants to feel valued in seeing that an establishment is mentioned on a publication. It is certain that a tiny percentage of the consumers will become interested. In requesting for print publication to do a feature on an establishment, the content is important. It has to prove that the content is legitimate. For the perspective of a journalist, it only takes them 30 seconds to determine the importance of the feature.


As part of professional etiquette, the manner of publication makes the difference. When it is featured on Twitter, it is a good medium. In journalism, majority of the correspondents are on this platform. Effectiveness for this presence means a professional pitch, an avatar with a ‘head shot,’ and a complete profile. Through social media marketing in Singapore, these are achieved. Remember that the presence of a website has to be updated with the right information. Otherwise, it gives the wrong impression to the consumer that the content is not given importance.


When the establishment is featured on a publication, it also needs a favourable image online. Entering the business on the search engine has to lead to a reputable platform. As the Twitter account of the establishment gains more followers, the more legitimacy is given to the business. For the consumer who reads the account, the presence of positive reviews for the brand receives more patrons. This is part of effective digital marketing.



A website with media cred has the higher chance of selling the products or services. It is important that the media platform has a stable base of readers already. The relationship between a brand and media has to be balanced. This means that the information relayed about the brand is right. In the end, it is the business owner who has more credit. Certainly, the more famous media outlets are chosen to show the feature of the establishment.


It is the advantage of a brand to be mentioned in top news outlets that are local or foreign. There is power in the media whether print or broadcast. Regarding the consumer base, media has a very huge following. Allowing the brand to be featured on a media outlet indicates that it is credible. The business has to be legitimate and registered with the government. Be ready for the budget to be higher as more media outlets are chosen.


With seo services in Singapore, it allows the website of the brand to be known. Also, on websites of news agencies, the featured brand has the capacity of generating millions of consumers. Trust of the patron is gained when the brand belongs to the featured list. For the target market, it is necessary for them to know that the brand is credible. Using media as the platform for the featured list of top brands in a category, it has to be a reputable outlet.


Seeing the brand on a top news website generates interest to the consumer. There is attraction to gain visibility. Consumers who have experienced the brand as a feature on a top list are able to recommend it. Personal recommendations about a brand from a familiar person makes it more interesting. Famous people who support the featured brand on a top list are there to provide credibility. Their supporters also become interested in buying from it.


The kind of media outlet that shows the featured list of top brands in a category also matters. Their target consumers act as bases for relying on the brand. For instance, a newspaper that caters to the highly-educated reader features top brands that their consumers buy. It is a different scenario when a small newspaper is the platform for mass market. The top featured brands belong to the masses as well.


Every media broadcast and publication has its own share of consumers. Usually, when a brand is regarded highly, there is no need for plenty of marketing. Simply by word of mouth that it grows in consumers. Also, the need for social media marketing in Singapore usually caters to small brands for more exposure. Established brands that are featured on a top list may also have endorsers who belong to the same market.



Before a brand is created, the target market is known. In this manner, the form of marketing is determined. High-end brands that cater to the elite are featured in high-class publications and broadcasts. For the mass market brands, these cater to shows and publications that are supported.  



After experiencing the featured brand on a top list, it is the personal recommendation that matters.