
SEO VS Local SEO: What’s The Difference?

When it comes to digital marketing, you have to focus on one subject matter: search engine optimisation, also known as SEO. Improving your search engine rankings should be your priority if your goal is to increase organic traffic and web visibility. In doing so, your website can earn more clicks and attract potential customers.


SEO is one of the most vital aspects of digital marketing. With the help of a few other digital marketing strategies such as social media marketing and pay-per-click advertising, launching an SEO campaign will benefit your business and help its online presence grow.


However, did you know that there are two sides of SEO, such as organic SEO and local SEO?


Organic SEO and local SEO are two sides of the same coin. Both of them aim to achieve higher search engine rankings and improve web visibility, but the methods of reaching such goals are slightly different. The difference between the two is that local SEO focuses on improving web visibility from a geographical perspective. On the other hand, organic SEO is all about earning more clicks to direct traffic to your website.



What Is Organic SEO?

SEO Search Engine Optimization


Organic SEO is the process of getting higher search engine rankings by optimising your website for search engines. In doing so, your site can appear on more search engine results pages (SERPs). With organic SEO, you can maintain a reputable online presence to reach your target audience and attract potential customers.


Benefitting from organic SEO usually takes time since the objective is to grow and maintain an online presence for your business. Your campaign will not produce results overnight, which is why you have to be patient when optimising your website for organic SEO.


Increasing your SEO rankings is key to success in the digital marketing landscape. For that reason, you should prioritise organic SEO, create quality content for your target audience, and establish credibility to help your business grow. Doing so will let search engines like Google recognise your website to reach more users and earn clicks.


Focus on obtaining organic traffic to improve web visibility and expand your reach on search engines. Organic SEO is the long-term solution to all your marketing problems. Consider launching an SEO campaign with improving organic search rankings as your primary objective. In the long run, your online presence will grow and allow you to engage with more users.



What Is Local SEO?

Mobile Phone Local SEO


For newcomers in the digital marketing industry, local SEO may seem like a brand new form of SEO. However, local SEO is just the same as organic SEO, with the only difference being the former is all about attracting attention from customers near your business.


Think of it this way: you’re an ordinary citizen who is thirsty and looking for a quick cup of delicious coffee. You want your coffee right here, right now, so you use your phone and search on Google for the closest coffee shop near you. The results show up on the first page of Google, and voila, you finally find a reputable establishment that can provide you with all your coffee needs in an instant!


The short scenario mentioned above is an example of local SEO. As you can see, the coffee shop was able to show up on your phone in the first SERP, which gave you everything you needed to buy a cup of coffee. That was probably the result of excellent digital marketing strategies with the help of local SEO.


Know More: What You Need To Know About Local SEO In Singapore


To achieve the same level of success for your local SEO rankings, you need to optimise your website for mobile devices. Make sure your site is mobile-friendly for mobile users. To do so, incorporate responsive web design and improve site speed for faster loading times.


Part of local SEO is using traditional digital marketing tactics, including keyword research. When it comes to local SEO, add locations to your keywords to attract users within proximity.


For example, if you own a coffee shop, you could use the following keywords:


  • Coffee shop in Singapore
  • Coffee near Everton Park
  • Coffee shop near me


Using the same keyword set-up (as mentioned above) for your local SEO will help you reach more customers within proximity. Local SEO is perfect for small businesses that focus on attracting customers within their vicinity.


Know More: SEO For Small Businesses: 5 Challenges That You Will Face



Getting The Best Of Both Worlds

When comparing organic SEO and local SEO, there is no clear winner. Both are essential depending on your needs, but perhaps organic SEO is what every business needs to get better web visibility and search engine rankings.


Nonetheless, do not disregard the benefits of local SEO just yet. If you own a brick and mortar establishment, local SEO will do wonders for your business since you can help customers find your exact location.


Consider optimising your website for both organic and local SEO! In doing so, you will increase your search engine rankings and get the best of both worlds.


For more tips and tricks, contact our SEO company in Singapore at 6391-0930.