
Top Digital Consumer Trends 2019

Since the internet has innovated consumer preferences, know about what they want from a product. Here are top digital consumer trends for 2019.


Social Media

With the creation of social media, consumers are connected to the brand. Since the internet began to exist in the late 90s, the form of self-expression became more advanced. The proliferation of messaging boards and forums became the hype. Being heard through these with anonymous names was a hit! When the early 2000s struck, it became a new form of digital media. Consumers wanted to go with the trend of posting statuses, photos, and videos online.


Communication is between friends, business to consumer or business to business. Social media marketing in Singapore began to be practiced. The digital space experienced a rise in social media platforms. In the everyday life of the consumer, an estimated 50% remain active to be connected to friends. It is the entertaining content that keeps them glued to the platform. At 43%, boredom is the reason for usage. The news belongs to 48% of the viewership.


There is an allotted 37% of convenience for music. When it comes to product or service purchase, it is approximately 1 of 4. It has become a popular medium of showing the interests of the consumer. Friends and relatives have an idea of delicious food, beautiful places, and awesome events. In spending less time on this platform, it is more of the older millennials. Teenagers and younger millennials are the most active users.


Watching Esports


Video game tournaments have always been a male hobby. It began in the 1990s for official tournaments. Tickets for these sell fast and prices for the winners reach $100 million. Because of the fans who love to watch them, it is certain that esports grows in its patrons. Residents of the US and UK say that they watch at least once a week. This is real for a minimum of 60%. For more recent fans, it is a new form of entertainment.


North America is the most influential for watching esports leagues. For monthly viewing, fans with the age range of 16 to 34 is at 12%. A whopping 30% opt for the live streaming per month. There are different reasons provided for supporting these tournaments. At 37%, the skill level of the players is watched. An estimated 34% look forward to the excitement! Lowered to 23%, they say that giving live comments makes it fun!


New Advertising Forms

An seo company in Singapore is aware of new forms of advertising in cyberspace. This is especially true on smartphones. Connecting to the consumer is projected to be more personal. Based on the consumer experience, they prefer the volume of digital advertising to be moderate. When the supply is plenty, it tends to annoy them. New formats for mobile advertising, however, seek personal information from the consumer.


In this scenario, the consumer has the right to withhold giving his personal information. Feedback from consumers about breach of privacy has been received. A brand has to use the information appropriately. Consumers in the Asia Pacific report the most incidents. Based on a survey, US consumers are very concerned with how a brand handles their personal information. It is a reality that data sharing has become common for commerce.


Part of online advertising includes a value exchange. The consumer provides personal information. In return, he receives brand updates that are meaningful. From brand point of view, knowing the consumer’s profile is necessary. They are able to determine market segmentation. Consumers who respond to this request positively say they trust the brand. Also, being given the right to remove information any day and time.


There is a clear explanation on how the given information will be used. For instance, inclusion in social media marketing in Singapore is acceptable. Being offered special promos and rewards are favorable. In addition, the presence of a personal account on the website of the brand is also a reason. Since brands are aware of the consumer’s right to privacy, they have to conform. This is to strengthen their relationship with the consumer.


Green Consumption


By considering lifestyle practices of different generations, it is observed that millennials are the leaders of green consumption. Since brands are witnesses to this, they cooperate in its efforts. For instance, plastic bag is replaced with an eco-friendly bag. The largest consumers who want green products are from the younger working adults. For generation Z that comprises high school and university, they are the next avid supporters.


Being knowledgeable of these, brands that cater to different generations have to practice them. Use the favoured approach for reaching out to the consumer in cyberspace.