
When it comes to promoting a business, the owner no longer needs to spend a lot of money on advertising as they did in the past. Unlike traditional marketing, businesses nowadays can now establish who they are and what they sell online through digital marketing.


Digital marketing is a type of marketing that uses the internet and other digital forms of communication. It helps businesses interact, connect, and communicate with potential customers worldwide.


If you are new to digital marketing, chances are you might find digital marketing jargon a bit confusing. At times, you probably interchange words that are not precisely the same and the worst thing that can happen is using digital marketing terms without knowing what actually it means.


To save you from these kinds of situations, we made a list of digital marketing terms that digital marketers like you should know.

50 Digital Marketing Terms Marketers Should Know


A/B Testing

A/B testing, often known as split testing, is a randomised form of digital marketing research that involves two or more different versions of the campaign. The purpose of A/B testing is to measure the difference in the performance of the campaign shown to the same target group.


By comparing the results of the different versions of the campaign, you can see which one performs better. This way you will be able to make performance-driven decisions and have the best and most effective digital marketing campaign possible.


ALSO READ: A/B Testing: A Guide To Optimizing Google Ads


Ad Extensions

Ad extensions are extra details added to a digital marketing ad on search engines like Google. The business’s address, pricing, customer or product reviews, click to call, site links, and app downloads are all examples of additional information that boost the relevance of a digital marketing ad.


Before they become visible on search engine results pages (SERPs), Google will pick which extension to show in response to the individual’s search intent. Those extra details of the longer digital marketing ad will provide you more real estate space on SERPs, giving you an advantage over your competition.



This digital marketing term refers to email software. It automatically sends an email as a form of acknowledgement to incoming messages. 


Many businesses have to use this tool on their website to let potential customers know that they have successfully submitted their inquiries or information. With this, they will not have to wait for days until they receive a response from a business or brand they are interested in engaging with.



It is a digital marketing model that connects two companies. Many digital marketing experts refer to it as B2B as it stands for “business-to-business“. Use B2B marketing methods to promote your brand if your target audience comprises business owners and entrepreneurs.


READ MORE: The Ultimate Guide To B2B Content Marketing



B2C stands for “business-to-consumer”. It refers to selling and advertising products to the general public, specifically consumers. The process begins with a company selling its products or services directly to target consumers.



This digital marketing acronym stands for “bottom of the funnel”, which is the last stage of the customer purchase journey. When a consumer reaches the BOFU, they are ready to make a purchase. At this point, a sales offer like a demo is a perfect driving force to nudge them to finalise their purchase.


Brand Awareness

It refers to which level of recognition a customer can identify a product or service of a brand. The higher the brand awareness of a business is, the more people know who and what they are selling. That is why raising brand awareness is one of the significant digital marketing goals.


Brand Loyalty

Customers with brand loyalty always buy and support the products or services. Sometimes, they will also be your brand advocate and recommend others about your brand. 


Making customers loyal to a brand is what most digital marketing experts want to happen so they can have more sales.



A web browser locally saves and stores the websites that a user has gone to is called cache. The primary purpose of cache is to increase the loading speed of web pages by retrieving the files saved from the reserve storage location of your web browser. Any of your previous actions will show up as suggested links in the drop-down once you type something on the URL bar.


Even if that is the case, there are two potential problems with cache. When a web browser contains a lot of it, its performance slows down, and when a  website has been updated, it might cause issues because files kept in the cache may contradict the ones currently written in a website.



A campaign in digital marketing means implementing a marketing plan across all digital platforms where customers interact with a brand to increase conversion rates.


When writing a campaign for your brand, make sure it sounds as natural as possible to reach out to more customers. Avoid using industrial jargon that most people do not understand or else your message will not get across to your audience. 



A hyperlink on a web page that entices viewers or visitors to click and read the article is what people call clickbait or linkbait. Clickbaits usually have a specific aim in mind, like requiring purchase, registration, or simply gaining traffic. 


As the name implies, clickbait uses appealing headlines or anything that may attract attention, such as any title that may prompt an initial reaction from viewers. Digital marketing experts often use this strategy to draw traffic, leads and conversions.


ALSO READ: Clickbait vs Catchy Headlines: Where To Draw The Line?



Cookies in digital marketing refer to pieces of information that a web server collects and tracks the online activities of a user while using their preferred web browser like Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple Safari. 


Digital marketing experts use cookies to help understand the user behaviour of their target audience.


LEARN MORE: The Role of Cookies In Digital Marketing



Any type of published digital marketing material on the internet is content. The problem, however, is that not all of them can be at the top of SERPs. Search engines like Google will only pick up quality content that successfully built awareness, demonstrated expertise, and established authority. To achieve all of that, you should write publishing quality content. Quality content means it is engaging, informative, and relevant.


Uploading content and marketing it online is what digital marketing experts call content marketing. It is a type of digital marketing that involves writing and sharing content on digital platforms. A few examples of content marketing materials are articles, infographics, posts, and many more.


Cost-Per-Click (CPC)

This digital marketing term refers to a pricing model that measures the cost of each click of their campaign. 


To know your CPC, divide the cost of your advertisement by the number of clicks generated.


Cost-Per-Impression (CPI)

CPI is an acronym that stands for cost-per-impression, often known as cost-per-thousands (CPT). It refers to a digital marketing method that denotes and measures the price of 1,000 impressions on a social ad or a web page.


Digital marketing experts use CPI to aid and determine the cost of their paid promotional campaigns. If done right, they can manage their advertisement budget well. 


Call-To-Action (CTA)

This acronym stands for call-to-action, and it refers to a piece of content that invites the reader to take action. The CTA can be in any form, such as a text, banner, or button. 


Here are a few examples of CTA.


Call-To-Action (CTA)


Digital marketing experts use CTA on every campaign to nudge their potential customers to buy, subscribe or anything that can support their brand.


Click-Through Rate (CTR)

CTR stands for click-through rate. It is a performance indicator of digital marketing campaigns to help understand consumer behaviour.  With this data, digital marketing experts can make better campaigns. 


Customer Purchase Journey

When it comes to creating content or engaging with customers, considering their experience always comes first. To lead them to conversion, you must guide them through each stage of their journey.


This marketing strategy is called the customer purchase journey, which is both used in digital marketing and traditional marketing. The only difference they have is that the former is different from the latter since customers behave differently online compared to in person. 


That is why regardless of industry, businesses should use this to determine where customers are in their purchasing journey. Once they have figured it out, they can guide them to the next step and eventually bring them closer to conversion.

The customer journey is divided into four stages: awareness, consideration, conversion, and loyalty. Understanding these stages is critical in digital marketing because investing in a product or service requires careful consideration and decision-making.



E-commerce is a portmanteau word, a combination of electronic and commerce. It refers to online businesses that sell products directly to consumers on the internet. Businesses nowadays belong to this industry since more people now prefer to buy things online.


Engagement Rate

It is a method used to measure the number of followers or viewers who interact with a digital marketing post. The engagement rate tells digital marketing experts how many people interact and connect with their content after being released. User comments, shares, likes are a few examples that influence the engagement rate.

The engagement rate is a popular digital marketing method often used in social media.


Frequency Capping

This digital marketing method is for setting a limit on how many times should their potential customers stumble upon their digital marketing campaigns within a given time. 


For example, if you run a paid ad on search engines, you need to use frequency capping to control and manage your advertising budget.


Geographic Targeting

It is about adding a specific location on keywords related to the products or services. Digital marketing experts use geographic targeting to target people in a particular country, region or area within the country.


For example, imagine that you have a business located in Jurong West, Singapore. You can use geo-targeting by utilising the keyword “Jurong West” whenever you write content for your website. That way, your website could appear on the search results page (SERP) for people finding nearby establishments related to your business in Jurong West.


Google My Business

Google My Business, also known as GMB, is an online directory that people go to whenever they want to find a business. When they go to GMB, they can discover the business name and contact information, as well as customer reviews and the business’s website. 


Business owners can also add their working hours so their potential customers will know when to reach out to them. 


ALSO READ: Google My Business: What Is It And Why Do You Need It?



The hashtag is a meta tag that uses the number sign (#) before a word or phrase. Digital marketing experts use hashtags on social media and websites to help people find their content easily.



To attract more traffic to web pages, digital marketing experts used interlinking. It is a method used to interlink a link to a text or phrase and redirect the reader to its associated web page on a website once they have clicked on the hyperlink text. 


This process is also a part of link building that helps search engines like Google determine which web pages on your website are the most important. The more internal links a web page has, the more Google will consider it more valuable than other web pages, which helps with technical SEO. It enables Google and other search engines to crawl your website better and understand the niche of your business.


The purpose of interlinking is to make the readers stay a bit more on a website. The longer they stay, the better since it will help reduce your website’s bounce rate.



These are terms and phrases that people on the internet are searching for on search engines. Most businesses use keywords to make their content more engaging and relevant to their target audience’s search queries. As a result, their digital marketing campaign will be shown on SERPs.


Keywords Research

It is a digital marketing method used to find relevant keywords that people are searching for online. To do keyword research, most experts will use tools like Google Planner. It will help them to find the most searched keywords on search engines. 


READ MORE: Keyword Research Guide: Identify The Right Keywords To Optimise Your Digital Marketing Campaigns


Keyword Stuffing

It is a black hat SEO tactic where you add and stuff excessive keywords to your content to improve your website’s visibility. The problem, however, is that this method comes with a negative outcome. When caught by search engines Google, you will receive a penalty, and your website could either be demoted or delisted. 


Landing Page

The term “landing” refers to any web page on your site that receives traffic from sources other than your own. A landing page is usually a combination of text, images, videos, and contact information. 


A landing page is a web page on a website that helps encourage visitors to sign up for a newsletter, submit enquiry, or purchase something. The information written on landing pages might be long or brief, depending on the action you want the visitors to do.


ALSO READ: 5 Tips For Creating A Better Landing Page


Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are phrases with more than three to five words that people search for when using search engines. For digital marketing experts, using long-tail keywords is an excellent strategy since these keywords are more specific and can attract a niche audience.


Media Budget

In digital marketing, this term refers to the expenditures of a business on its advertisement. It is a set amount of money that digital marketing experts rely on whenever they need to promote a product or service online. 


Apart from online advertisement, businesses also use the media budget for a TV commercial, a radio announcement, a newspaper or magazine ad. Doing so helps them expand and raise their brand awareness. 



This digital marketing acronym stands for “middle of the funnel”, which is the third stage of the customer purchase journey. When a consumer reaches the MOFU, that only means they already have found their problem and know what they need to get to resolve that. At this point, they are now thinking of purchasing something. 


Niche Marketing

Niche marketing is the practice of targeting smaller groups of the online population to get more substantial marketing results. Digital marketing experts define a set of consumers’ needs, wants, and requirements to strategically target them for their campaign.


Paid Search

Paid search, often referred to as pay-per-click (PPC), means that you are paying for your content to appear quickly and right in front of the people searching for specific keywords on search engines. Whenever someone clicks on your paid search campaign, you will have to pay for it.


ALSO READ: Pay-Per-Click Marketing In Singapore – A Complete Guide To PPC Marketing


Page Speed

In digital marketing, page speed refers to the measurement of how a web page quickly loads, allowing the visitor to see everything. 


To check the page speed of a web page, you can use Google’s PageSpeed Insights. It is a free tool that allows you to evaluate how fast a web page loads. The quicker it is, the better since an average user often leaves if it takes more than three seconds to load.


Relevancy Score

To determine how relevant a digital marketing campaign is compared to others within the platform. Most of the time, Facebook and other platforms alike will show the relevancy score after a few days of content has been posted.



It is a digital marketing method that targets people who previously did not take action or visit a website. Digital marketing experts use this method to retarget consumers that have a higher likelihood of conversion.


READ MORE: How To Create A Successful Remarketing Campaign?



This acronym stands for ‘return on investment’. In digital marketing, it means the number of results that your paid campaign has made.


Search Engines

Search engines are programmes like Google and Bing that allow people to search for information and content online by inputting keywords. You can use a search engine for digital marketing strategies, including search engine optimisation (SEO), to boost your search engine rankings and attract potential customers.



This acronym stands for search engine result page. It is a page that displays relevant results after you enter queries into search engines such as Google and Bing. For example, if you type “pizza place in Singapore”, expect that the information provided by the SERP is about pizza.


READ MORE: The Ultimate Guide To SERP Features



Also known as search engine optimisation, SEO is a digital marketing technique that focuses on improving your website’s visibility and search engine rankings. The goal of SEO is to drive organic traffic to your website, allowing users to spot your website on search engine results pages (SERPs). 


Social Listening

Social listening is understanding how customers talk and feel about your brand, specifically on social media networks, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and more. Social listening is essential for digital marketing because it helps you determine the perception of your target audience towards your brand. To conduct social listening, you can monitor your customers’ activities to see any mentions of your brand name. 


Social Media Traffic

Social media traffic is the quantity of traffic directed to your website from social media platforms. For example, whenever a user views your social media post, clicks on a link, then visits your website, the result is now considered a metric that counts towards your social media traffic.


Social Selling

The ability of a brand to engage potential consumers on social media by answering questions, offering educational information, and resolving other difficulties, and thereby moving them down the sales funnel, is referred to as social selling. 


Target Audience

Your target audience is a particular group of consumers you intend to reach. When it comes to digital marketing, your target audience is your centre of attention. You can create content and deliver messages to consumers who are part of your target audience, allowing you to gain their trust and potentially sell products or services.



TOFU is an acronym that stands for “top of funnel”, which refers to the first stage of the customer journey. For this stage, raising awareness is the main objective. Your target audience must be aware that your brand exists.


Video Marketing

Video marketing is the process of producing and distributing video content to raise brand awareness and attract customers. Due to the widespread access to social media, video marketing has become one of the most profitable digital marketing methods today. According to Hubspot, 78% of people watch online videos weekly. Because of this, you could connect with more customers than ever simply by creating high-quality videos.



Visits refer to the number of times a user explores a website. The number of visits is an essential metric to consider for your digital marketing campaign as it dictates how frequently a user navigates your website.



In the digital marketing industry, viral defines the rapid circulation of an image, video, or piece of information among internet users and through word-of-mouth. If your content has spread quickly from one person to another, specifically on social media and the internet, that means you have generated viral traffic and content. You can use this sudden rise in popularity to grow an audience and establish your brand image.


READ MORE: 5 Examples Of Successful Viral Marketing Campaigns


Web Vital

It is one of the factors in Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines that Google considers before enabling a website to appear at the top of SERPs. Once they have determined that a website has good web vitals, that means they have a good user experience, which allows them to appear more on SERPs.


The digital marketing terms keep on expanding, which is why you should keep yourself updated now and then. Otherwise, you might lose track of innovation and trends, and you will not be able to effectively promote your products or services through your digital marketing campaigns.


Reading this brief digital marketing dictionary is an excellent way to learn new and old digital marketing concepts that can help you plan your campaigns more effectively.


For tailored and affordable digital marketing services, reach out to our digital marketing agency, OOm! Contact us at 6690 4049 or leave us a message to let our digital marketing team know how we can help you. 

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