
5 Examples Of Successful Viral Marketing Campaigns

One successful digital marketing campaign in Singapore is all you need to grow your business quickly. The amount of web traffic you can gain through viral marketing could leave a phenomenal impact on your business.


The key to making an effective digital marketing campaign is to create viral content. By producing viral content that can reach hundreds, perhaps even thousands, of people, your business can quickly gain traction and attract potential customers.


However, creating viral content is challenging. It is a high-risk, high-reward type of strategy that can boost your business in an instant. The rewards are worth the risk, but you also need to understand how viral marketing works, especially in a modern age when information travels through the Internet at the speed of light.



What Is Viral Marketing?

Viral marketing (or viral advertising) is a business strategy that uses digital channels, mainly social media, to promote a product, service, or message and let information spread quickly from one person to another.


The success of a viral marketing campaign depends on two things: reception and views. If your ad has reached a broad audience and gained positive reception, then that means your viral campaign has succeeded.


By creating a viral content marketing campaign in Singapore, you can immediately attract a wide range of social media users. Consumers could spread the word about your brand online and offline as your viral content travels quickly.


Here are some examples of successful viral marketing campaigns in Singapore and worldwide.



5 Successful Viral Marketing Campaigns


1. Sk-ii: “Meet Me Halfway”



Released on February 18, 2019, SK-II’s “Meet Me Halfway” video garnered attention immediately. SK-II did a lot of things right with their Chinese New Year campaign.


For starters, the video tackled family issues centred on the relationship between mothers and daughters. SK-II launched a content marketing campaign to celebrate women’s courage. The goal was to raise awareness and create a better understanding between parents and daughters.


The viral video discussed a common family issue with an emotional strongpoint that resonated well with many people, specifically women. In the end, the message left an impact on viewers while still capturing the essence of the Chinese New Year.


2. Old Spice: “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like”



It has been more than a decade since Old Spice launched the famous “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like”, yet it is still grabbing thousands of views all over the world. Considered one of the most successful and entertaining commercials of all time, Old Spice released the YouTube video on February 5, 2010.


American actor Isaiah Amir Mustafa played the leading role in the viral advertisement. Old Spice’s popularity skyrocketed as the brand continued to launch a series of comedic commercials. Ever since then, millions of people have watched the campaign and praised Mustafa’s “smug” and “over the top” monologue.


3. Always: “Like a Girl”



Same with SK-II’s “Meet Me Halfway” video, Always launched a video on June 26, 2014, that discusses another issue regarding women. But this time, the topic is all about women’s confidence.


The target audience for the “Like A Girl” digital marketing campaign consists of young female adults, teenagers, and children. The goal was to reinforce the idea that doing specific actions “like a girl” should not be considered a negative trait but rather a positive one.


4. The Government Of Singapore: “PCK – Singapore Be Steady!”



2020 was a rough year for Singaporeans, but that does not mean there is no more room for some lighthearted fun. The Singaporean government launched a viral ad with Singapore’s very own Uncle Phua sharing information on how citizens should be responsible during the COVID-19 pandemic.


5. The Government of Canada: “Practise physical distancing to reduce the spread of COVID-19”



Unlike Singapore’s optimistic approach to spreading information, the Canadian government opted for a more professional tone for their viral ad. The public service campaign presents the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada, Dr Therese Tam, as she supplies viewers basic information on avoiding COVID-19.




All of these content marketing campaigns share one thing in common: sending a clear message. Regardless of how wacky or profound your commercial might be, you have to create content that will tap into your target audience and leave a long-lasting impression.


Remember these viral ads and public service campaigns when producing viral content for your business. If you need help, contact a social media marketing agency in Singapore for more tips and tricks.


Launch a viral Facebook marketing campaign with OOm! Contact our agency at 6391-0930 for more information about viral marketing.

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