
Foretelling SEO Future: Will SEO Still Be Relevant In The Foreseeable Future?

In less than two months, we’re almost nearing the end of the year. We can’t just cap this year off without looking back at all the things that had happened in this massive world of the Internet and of wondering what the future will be. Aside from all the fun, surprises, grievances, and basically the whirlwind of emotions this space has offered to us, there is a process that has been one of the things that orchestrate the things that we might see. This process can give you the things you are searching for as a user and can introduce your brands to your audience as a business. This process is called SEO. Since it very useful today, how sure are we that it will still be relevant tomorrow? Today, allow us to tap into our nerdy SEO psychic energies and foretell if SEO remains to be important in the future.



Just A Quick Recap:


First things first, when you say Search Engine Optimization or SEO, you are referring to a process of pooling viewers to your website or increasing the quality and quantity of traffic. This will be done by increasing the visibility of your website or webpage to users of a web search engine. This uses free and organic means to gain traffic and rank on the SERPs.


Many businesses rely on SEO and other digital marketing processes in publicising their brand. Apparently, doing SEO is less expensive than traditional means of advertising all the while still offering effective results if done right.



Will SEO Remain Relevant In The Future?


We all know that the Internet moves on a fast lane. If that’s the case, then will SEO remain to be relevant in the future, at least in 2020? Well, it looks like you can keep on researching effective keywords and keep generating steamy content with the right tags and descriptions because, by the looks of it, SEO won’t be leaving any time soon! Here are the reasons why:


1. Guides Content Within The Search Engine

Content is king, yes—especially given how strict search engine algorithms today are. Google is more about user experience and user experience is about great content. However, what is good content without a process that even helps in putting it to a place where it will be seen by many audiences? This hails SEO as queen—it optimises content so that it can even reach the audiences. Without the Optimization offered by SEO, the only thing you will rely on for audiences to find your content is backlinks.


Yet again, SEO offers the utmost results for your content to gain more traffic. While backlinks are a good way to introduce your content, SEO still remains unrivalled because of the many strategies it can do.


2. Maintains Keywords

Keywords, as the term implies, allow the users to actually enter your content. With keywords embedded on your content, search engines can easily recognise that your article is about a certain topic, thereby placing it on the results for users to see. These keywords are important in hinting the search engine that you are offering content and in linking your content to a topic, offering relevancy.


You can use the right tools to find keywords that are ranking search engines. Ubersuggest, SEMrush, and Keyword Tool are just some of the tools that can help you locate keywords that are hot on users. These keywords are what users usually search, watch or read.


3. Optimises Content

Content is king and SEO is queen. One cannot live well without the other. SEO will remain relevant because of this powerful synergy that always offers results to businesses. Businesses, being focused on their own internal processes, may not be able to oversee content Optimization for search engine anymore. With this, SEO companies here in Singapore can offer their help in optimising your content with the right strategies. Digital marketing can be tricky. Without great content, your online presence would not draw viewers. Without SEO, your content won’t reach audiences.


4. Provides Great Digital Marketing Structure

In general, digital marketing sure is a vast arena where businesses boost their brands for a massive audience to see. There proves to be a lot of strategies and processes within digital marketing. One of which is SEM where agencies promote your websites through paid advertising. It looks like SEO will still be used in the future, at least in the foreseeable 2020 because while the competition gets tough, businesses will prefer to use ways that require less budget, with promising results.


In the foreseeable future, at least by what we see in 2020, SEO remains unchallenged by the changing tides on the digital space. It still remains effective and preferred by many businesses who wish to show their brand to the public. If this is the case, you better prepare while the year is about to change! Try seeking a reliable SEO company here in Singapore, like OOm. Call us today!