There’s a reason why many businesses utilise WordPress. WordPress is a multi-functional platform that’s great for powering up websites. It’s also easy to use, requires no HTML editing, and is 100% customisable.
WordPress may be useful, but if it’s not utilised well, the business will benefit nothing from it. To benefit from WordPress and its features, make sure it’s consistently up and running. Ensure the performance of your WordPress is at peak performance at all times.
The performance of a business’s WordPress is crucial. If you’re a regular customer visiting a website powered by WordPress, you’d want to roam around the site freely with convenience. If the site is taking too long to load, chances are you’ll avoid the website altogether. This will be the case for your customers if your WordPress performance is doing poorly.
Here’s how you can speed up your WordPress performance.
Find a reliable host
A common mistake for business is to invest in shared hosts. While it might seem like a good idea to share a host, its results are not exactly positive. Relying on shared hosts will result in slow website speed and occasional downtime during high traffic periods.
The temptation of sharing a host is not worth the trouble. Instead, invest in proper hosting. It’s the only way to give your website incredible speed and less downtime.
Utilise effective caching plug-in
A plug-in may seem useful, but it’s there’s more to it than meets the eye. WordPress plug-ins significantly improve a site’s loading time. The best part about it is it’s completely free. Simply find a reliable WordPress caching plug-in, install it, then activate it. You’ll soon find your website running faster than usual!
Optimise images
When an image takes too long to load, the website may suffer along with it. Improve the image Optimization of your WordPress by utilising tools that reduce the file size of images without sacrificing quality.
Since optimising a single image can take time, find a plug-in that can optimise several images in one go. This will save you a lot of time. There’s no reason you shouldn’t install an image Optimization plug-in!
Homepage Optimization
The speed of your WordPress website will depend on how well you optimise its performance. Included here is how you optimise your homepage. Ensuring your homepage runs well will work wonders for your visitors. As previously mentioned, no one has the patience to wait for a page to load too long. Instead, optimise your homepage.
To do just that, first, you should reduce the number of posts on one page. Too many posts will take a bulk of your homepage memory.
Second, remove inactive or unnecessary plug-ins that provide no use. They also take a lot of space and will only slow down loading times.
Third, try to limit your widgets and make sure they’re sufficient in numbers. Your content should be the priority since it’s the reason why your customers came to visit your site.
Disable hotlinking
When other sites direct links to your images from their content, your server load can increase, making your website run slowly. This is called “hotlinking”. It’s a form of bandwidth “theft” that does no good to your website.
Prevent bandwidth theft from occurring by disabling hotlinking features. Enable hotlinking protection by installing extensions that prevent direct access from other sites and their links.
Divide long posts
Avid readers are fond of in-depth articles that dive deep into the topic of discussion. These articles usually take a lot of space on one page alone. In this case, the solution is to split the articles into pages. Pages with long posts are detrimental to performance. If your article takes is too long, reduce the bulk or space by dividing it into pages instead.
Avoid revisions as much as possible
Errors and mistakes are sometimes inescapable, no doubt about it. The cost of fixing these mistakes online are sometimes cheap but still negatively add to the performance of your WordPress database. Revising your posts take up space in the database and will eventually slow down your website.
Try to limit your revisions as much as possible. Make sure your content is fully polished before posting to avoid revisions in the future,
Know more about what the online world can bring for your business with OOm, a digital marketing agency in Singapore. We provide clients with capable online marketing strategies and SEO services in Singapore to help their businesses flourish.