
Social Media: The Razzle Dazzle of Link Building

Search engine marketing is a very wide net that is made up of a whole slew of different elements. Right down from the little details on the Technical side of SEO, right out to the lower levels of content sharing out on social media.


While social media usage usually occurs after all the link building and website Optimizations, it should be known that the realm of social media is as important as all the other procedures that precedes it.


Here’s why Social Media can give you the type of magic you’re looking for:


Social Media Increases Visibility


In reality, it does matter if your content is written so perfectly with all of the target keywords you’ve got. But all that content will only go so far unless it gets to get an extra ride out on Social Media. Being able to properly manage your social media helps you reach more people with your content.


Whenever your content gets to be displayed on any of these different social media platforms, it can spark up discussions and therefore attract more traffic much like for example, when you get to share content of any sort of Facebook where a number of people can react and comment on this. People can share their views and these types of activity is what you would want to have around your content.


It doesn’t matter what kind of niche your business is in, if you get the timing of posting right, there will always be a section of the population out there on the web that will want to see your content. And if you’re indeed lucky, they would end up wanting to re share your post and hence help you spread your content a little further that when you’ve started.


Social channels are being watched by Search engines and this is where they check if something is spreading or going viral on the web.



One of the most immediately seen effects of social media is the fact that this helps show which of the billions of contents out there is currently the most relevant. And relevance we all know, is something that drives performance really well most especially for SEO.


Because of this, your content can then get exposed to places where it can be used to be linked back on to. Since it’s exposed in the public, it becomes an available resource for other content that may have higher and better traction when it comes to traffic and performance.


It makes your Brand Stick Better


Social Media greatly increases brand awareness. If you’re a small business that’s just starting out, this can help you hit two birds with just one stone. Build your link profile and let your brand shine on to the public’s eyes.


Increased brand awareness on the side of the public entails an increase of traffic for you as well. If your brand goes flying around online on social media, this helps the brand stick to people’s minds.


Social Media is Mobile’s Closest Partner


Essentially, the fact that most of humanity today is plugged in on their little mobile devices means that you would really need to get connected as well on social media. Everyone today is always on the go and looking down on their phones, not only for leisure or staying connected with others remotely, it is also used to conduct various forms of business deals and processes of purchase.


Having discussed all of this, it is then more evident on just how much social media pulls up content and helps it be seen by more people.