
4 Tips For Ranking Your Videos On Google

Search engines like Google and Bing never stay the same. For instance, Google loves to toy with its algorithms by going through a lot of significant changes. One of these changes is the ever-growing importance of relevant content, especially for videos.


Over the years, Google has been making it clear that the relevance and quality of content matter the most when it comes to SEO services. Regardless of your digital marketing strategy, try to focus on providing your audience with high-quality content. Doing so will not only help you connect with your target audience, but allow your content to be more visible on search engines.


With that said, enhancing the quality of your videos is different compared to doing the same for written content. How can you improve the rankings of your videos on Google anyway? What will it take to make your videos get noticed by search engines? Let’s find out.



4 Tips For Ranking Your Videos On Google

4 Tips Ranking Videos on Google


1. Create High-quality Videos

As mentioned earlier, high-quality content is essential when it comes to making videos. The same applies to creating written content because better quality leads to better results. After all, posting poor-quality content on your website or social media page will fail to yield any positive results.


Think of it this way: Google will not notice your videos if they lack a decent number of views. The solution is to create quality content for your videos. Doing so will help you engage with more viewers. Of course, you should promote your videos on a wide-scale level to attract an audience, but the quality of your content will make sure viewers will get hooked in the first place.


2. Promote Your Videos On Different Platforms

Creating quality content for your videos is the first step to achieving higher SEO rankings on Google. The second step is to devise an effective digital marketing strategy so your videos can reach as many people as possible.


Fortunately, there are different digital platforms to choose from when it comes to promoting your videos. The simplest and most cost-effective marketing platform is social media.


For instance, you can create a Facebook page and share your videos to gain a large following. Also, sharing your videos on Facebook is free! But if you want to boost your number of views, consider monetising your videos to reach your target audience and gain more viewers.


Besides social media marketing, you can promote your videos on YouTube, the number one video-sharing platform (for many reasons). One good reason is that YouTube has billions of active users. In that case, try creating a YouTube channel to promote your brand and improve your online presence. Once Google recognises the relevance of your YouTube channel and videos, you will have a better chance of increasing your SEO rankings as well.


Know More: How To Optimise Your YouTube Videos For SEO?


3. Utilise Relevant Keywords

In the SEO industry, using relevant keywords is vital for success. When it comes to content marketing, you can say the same. Using relevant keywords when creating content for your website and videos will improve your SEO rankings.


Even if your videos boast high-quality content, you will not gain enough viewers if your competitors are getting ahead of your SEO rankings. Try to expand your reach and gain more viewers by using relevant keywords when creating titles and descriptions for your videos.


However, remember to avoid stuffing your titles and descriptions with too many keywords. At least one keyword per paragraph will do and insert the keywords seamlessly to make the content appear conversational and natural.


4. Consider The Length Of Your Videos

Who wants to watch a two-hour video about your business? Unless you’re filming a movie or documentary, make sure your videos are around 2 to 10 minutes in length. Most people prefer to watch short but enjoyable videos compared to 20-minute videos that offer dull and bloated content.


However, you have to consider the nature of your video. If you want to make a full presentation of your services, perhaps 10 to 15 minutes are enough time to provide your viewers with valuable information.


Know More: 5 Tips For Launching A Video Marketing Campaign


On the other hand, you can create short videos as long as they offer better entertainment value. That way, you can attract as many viewers as possible in the shortest span of time.




Whether you’re creating content for your videos or blog posts, the rules of SEO stay the same. You need to incorporate effective SEO services into your marketing strategy to improve your web visibility and reach a broader audience. Doing so will boost your SEO rankings in the long run, and also establish your authority once you attract more viewers.


For more tips, contact our SEO agency in Singapore at 6391-0930.