
SEM Tips: How To Win In Google AdWords Bidding?

Ah, AdWords. It’s one of the cornerstones of digital marketing, and probably the lifeblood of Google search engine marketing.


If you’re new to digital marketing, chances are AdWords is foreign to you. So before we dive any deeper, here’s Google’s definition of AdWords:


Google Ads is Google’s online advertising program. Through Google Ads, you can create online ads to reach people exactly when they’re interested in the products and services that you offer.


Adwords is an intricate algorithm program that helps relevant and useful paid ads to appear in front of potential paying consumers. But for ads to appear in front of potential customers, your ad will have to compete with other competitors for ad space.




Buying Your Ad Space On Google Result Pages

Buying ad space on Google’s result pages is a very complicated process; it requires a complete understanding of the entire process and how every factor of your website, budget, and quality score contribute to your “ad rank”.


Before everything else, let’s go over what ad rank is.



Ad Rank And The Magic Ad Spot On SERP

Ad rank, according to Google, is “A value that’s used to determine your ad position (where ads are shown on a page relative to other ads) and whether your ads will show at all.” This means that your Ad rank is the determiner of whether you’re appearing on relevant search engine results pages or not.


Because Ad rank is a value, it’s determined by certain factors. These factors are your bid amount, expected clickthrough rate, landing page experience, Ad relevance to search query, device, location, etc.

All these factors are considered so that Google can post relevant paid ads to what users are looking for. This will ensure that users get the most relevant paid ad on their search result and give advertisers the worth of their money. it’s a win-win for both users and advertisers.



The Bidding

Now, let’s try and see an overview of how the Google AdWords bidding works:


  • First, advertisers bid on relevant keywords like “car insurance”, “best”, etc. Once they have made their bids and created an ad, these are added to Google’s roster of ads. Depending on the keywords, there could be a few dozen bidders to over a hundred bidders that will fight for the top paid spot.
  • Once someone enters a query on search, Google finds the best ads related to that query. Depending on the number of ads available on the query, Google initiates a bidding process.
  • Once the bidding process begins, it’s now simply a face-off on who has the better ad rank. If you have the better ad rank, you get the top spot — it doesn’t depend on how much you placed on the bid (of course, they do take it into consideration, too)



How To Win The Bidding

So now you know what is Google AdWords, what is ad rank, and how the bidding system works. Now let’s see how to win the bidding.


What does it mean to “win” the bid anyway? it means winning the top spot and paying for the lowest possible bid. Paying for the highest bid amount and not appearing on the SERP of your potential customers is the losing end of the stick.

So how do you win? Here are some tips to help you out:



Bid On Keywords That Matter

Bidding on keywords that are highly relevant to your industry, service, and product should be number one on your list of strategies. by limiting your keywords to those that really matter, you reduce the chances of having more competitors per keyword. And by only hitting the keywords that really matter, you reduce the chances of entering a bid that you’re not likely to win.



Optimise, Optimise, Optimise

Quality score is important in winning the ad bidding, and one way of increasing your quality score is by optimising your resources. That means creating a suitable landing page, crafting original content that answers your potential visitor’s queries, understanding what your audiences need, etc. If your page is highly optimised, and Google sees that your ads have an excellent expected clickthrough rate, you can bag that top spot in no time.



Enhance Your Ads With Ad Formats

Other than optimising, you can easily get ahead of the bidding game with a good number of high-impact ad formats.

Ad formats are enhancements that display information about your business that is relevant to your business like important sections of your website, phone number, nature of the business, website extensions, etc.

These enhancements help convince viewers to make the click on your website. And with high-impact ad formats, your expected clickthrough rates increase and can be a signal to google that you are relevant to be placed on the search result page of that particular query.




Go Win The Bid!

Dealing with Google AdWords is no easy task. it requires a lot of planning, understanding goals and objectives, and knowing when and where to put your money in. Rushing in blindly can cost you a fortune and not a single traffic into your site, both a very bad situation for any company.


If you’re looking to win the ad words bidding without the hassle of going through all the rigorous training, hire a competent SEO team to handle your AdWords bidding war for you.