Social Media Marketing Strategies For eCommerce Websites | OOm Singapore

Last year, COVID-19 impacted the global economy on a massive scale, forcing businesses to adapt and change for the better. Many stores had to shut down permanently, while others resorted to different marketing strategies.


On the bright side, the eCommerce industry is booming more than ever. Online shopping has become more frequent, thanks to customers who prefer to stay indoors and buy their products on the Internet. The online shopping craze will continue to linger in 2021, and thankfully, you can utilize social media to benefit your eCommerce business.


Social media and online shopping were some of the most significant changes in 2020. More people resorted to social media as a means of communication and entertainment, while the same people were also likely to purchase products online.


Social media marketing and eCommerce go hand in hand like peanut butter and jelly. Consider following the best social media marketing practices to help your eCommerce website attract more customers.


Here are some of the most effective social media marketing strategies for eCommerce websites.



4 Social Media Marketing Strategies For Ecommerce


1. Use Social Media Shopping As An Extension Of Your Website

Did you know that social media shopping is becoming more commonplace? In 2020, Instagram shopping boosted in popularity as social media users could enjoy the benefits of online shopping on Instagram. You can expect 2021 to be a time when social media shopping will evolve and gain widespread attention from online shoppers.


Know More: Understanding The Market: 2021 Online Shopping Trends In Singapore


How can social media shopping benefit your eCommerce website, anyway? For starters, you can set up an online store on Facebook or Instagram. Make it an extension of your eCommerce business so you can drive more traffic to your website.


Another good example is Instagram, where you can upload shoppable posts that will redirect users to your online store. You can set up shoppable posts on Instagram and link them to your eCommerce website. As a result, your shoppable posts will redirect Instagram users to your website.


2. Promote Your Website On Social Media

The easiest way to gain more customers on social media is to promote your website on various social media marketing platforms, such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and many more. Share links to your website on social media to drive more traffic and attract potential customers. It would be even better to boost your ads and deliver them to your target audience to find the right customers for your business.


However, you should also choose the right social media platform for your eCommerce website to reach your target audience. Do some research and discover which social media platform is the most active among your target market. Upon finding the results, you can promote your business on a social media platform of your choice, then share quality content to drive traffic to your eCommerce website.


Choosing just one social media site or app is possible, but you have better chances of gaining more customers by promoting your eCommerce website on several platforms.


3. Consider Using Facebook Messenger For Your Website

Did you know that you can integrate a Facebook Messenger plugin with your website? Try using it to communicate with your customers who may be active on social media.


By installing a Facebook Messenger plugin, customers can click on the Facebook icon to communicate with you or your chatbot. Using a chatbot is an effective strategy for responding to your customers’ inquiries while you are unavailable.


However, if you decide to use a chatbot, do not rely on it too much. Clear communication between you and your customers is the key to success when it comes to online shopping. Your chatbot can only provide a limited number of responses until it runs out of options. Instead, your chatbot should only serve as a backup plan whenever your customers want to send a message while you are away for the time being.


4. Establish Relationships With Other Businesses On LinkedIn

Most people perceive LinkedIn as the professional version of Facebook, where companies engage with one another to form relationships. The good news is that LinkedIn is also a successful social media marketing tool when it comes to B2B marketing.


Know More: 4 LinkedIn Strategies For B2B Marketing


You can start a group and invite LinkedIn users to provide them with relevant information about your eCommerce business. You can encourage them to try out some of your products by handing out samples or free trials.


Also, LinkedIn is the perfect place to establish your professionalism and authority. Promote your website on LinkedIn to drive more traffic and earn trust from potential customers and other businesses.




Kickstart your journey to success by incorporating social media marketing with eCommerce! Get in touch with a digital marketing agency for more tips and tricks on how to use social media to your advantage.


Contact our SEO agency in Singapore for more information about digital marketing, social media marketing, and SEO.

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