
LinkedIn Image Sizes: A Guide For Marketers

LinkedIn image sizes guide for marketers

LinkedIn is a powerful social media platform where companies and businesses can connect and strengthen professional relationships with individuals and other organisations. It is a must for many companies to establish a LinkedIn company profile. Images play a crucial role in company profile layout. This 2023 the recommended dimension for the company logo are 300 X 300 PIXELS; the cover photo is 1128 X 191 PIXELS, the shared link post is 1200 x 627 PIXELS, the square post image is 1200 x 1200, portrait post image is 1080 x 1350 PIXELS; the landscape post image is 1200 x 627 PIXELS, sponsored ad content is 1200 X 627 PIXELS; the message ad is 300 X 250 PIXELS; the carousel image ad is 1080 x 1080 PIXELS, and the event ad is 1200 X 300 PIXELS.

SMM And SEM: What Is The Difference That You Need To Know?

SMM And SEM What Is The Difference

SMM and SEM are some of the digital marketing acronyms you will encounter when promoting your products or services online, which stands for social media marketing and search engine marketing. Both go hand in hand that allows a business to raise its brand awareness and online presence. In this article, you will learn the difference between SMM and SEM, including their pros and cons.

SEO vs SCO: What Are The Differences?

SEO vs SCO: What Are The Differences?

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) has been a fundamental part of digital marketing efforts of businesses to increase their website’s ranking but what about SCO? It is not a new approach that businesses use to help them attract visitors and increase visibility of their content through social networking channels. In this article, you will learn the differences between SEO and SCO and how these channels can benefit your business.

Social Media Statistics That Matter In Singapore 2023

Social Media Statistics That Matter In Singapore In 2023

Social media statistics are crucial for digital marketing. Brands must pay attention to the top six social media platforms in Singapore in 2023: WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Currently, WhatsApp has 4.5 million active users, while Facebook has 4.48 million, Instagram has 3.05 million, TikTok has 1.08 million, and LinkedIn has a 3.2million. Youtube has 5.08 million users.

Social Media Marketing: How To Combine SEO And Social Media?

Social Media Marketing How To Combine SEO And Social Media

Social media marketing in Singapore can be powerful if you will utilise social media platforms with SEO strategies. Additionally, for a social media campaign to be successful and effective, brands should set their marketing campaigns based on data, take advantage of images and videos, encourage positive reviews, slightly boost local SEO, take advantage of the social listening tools, be consistent with social media content, and connect with social media influencers.